I am contemplating the potential changes in the Department of Justice in the coming months, especially if Pam Bondi takes over and removes the Department of Environmental Issues’ members and loyalists of the Democrat Party. It is evident that these individuals must be replaced without a shadow of a doubt.
One lingering question on my mind is whether the new DOJ should investigate Mayorkas, Milley, and Biden. While the jurisdiction over Milley may fall under the army’s purview, it could still be argued that he should be held accountable for possible treason. Just imagine if, in February 1944, George Marshall had warned Erwin Rommel about potential breaches in the Atlantic Wall ordered by Roosevelt. Such actions from military leaders are unacceptable.
Mayorkas repeatedly misled the congressional oversight by stating that the border was secure when it was not then and remains under question now. His rationale hinges upon the argument that the programs allowing people to cross the border were legal because the individuals were escaping oppression. Moreover, releasing them into the country was deemed acceptable, as they were provided court dates for future amnesty requests, which could take years to process.
Now, this is transparent nonsense because millions and millions of unvetted people came over or were flown in by DHS, and just because the government gives it a euphemism, they still destroyed immigration law and violated it every which way that they could. And if what Mayorkas did was not a violation of immigration law, then what does such a violation look like? It’s ridiculous. This is like the thief who gets caught, and pleads Not Guilty because he didn’t steal the case of beer. He simply “liberated” it.
And if you’ve ever seen those police videos of sovereign citizens getting pulled over for expired plates and then telling the cop that they are not violating any law because they were not driving but rather traveling, then you understand how stupid such an argument actually is. The difference is that Sovereign Citizen #1 will go to jail, and Mayorkas will not.
I think the DOJ should investigate this and charge him with willful violation of the law (if that’s even a criminal act…maybe Bondi can come up with a suitable euphemism that will give them a case since the Left likes those kinds of terms.) It would really be interesting to see the examinations in a courtroom when Alejandro takes the stand.
Well they’re all going to say that no matter what Trump does, so there’s no reason for him to let up on the gas. He’s going to take a beating regardless, so he might as well have the DOJ prosecute these guys anyway. And besides, I think they deserve it. Milley gets recalled and then busted down to private and loses his pension, Mayorkas gets to go into the DC Gulag as the January 6th guys are coming out, and Biden…well, I don’t know what they do with him. They’ll say he’s too old or too far gone and will have no recollection of what he did. And maybe they’ll be right. But the least they could do is shame him with an ankle monitor and put him on probation.
If they try him like they tried Trump and expose this whole immigration-invasion mess, then if his legacy isn’t crap by now, it will be by then.