About 30,000 Vodafone customers have been affected by a paymenting error with the company's app.

TPG Telecom, the owners of the Vodafone network, have recently increased their coverage from 95.4% to 98.4% of the population in regional Australia. This expansion is anticipated to enhance competition within the mobile market in these areas significantly.

This upgrade is a result of a collaboration between TPG Telecom and Optus. Through this partnership, TPG Telecom stands to benefit from the extensive network of mobile tower sites owned by Optus, enabling them to broaden their coverage across Australia.

By granting Optus access to its valuable mobile spectrum, TPG Telecom is facilitating faster connection speeds and improved network reliability nationwide, thereby mutually benefiting both telecommunications companies and ultimately, the consumers.

About 30,000 Vodafone customers have been affected by a paymenting error with the company's app.
Vodafone today doubled its coverage across Australia today.(Trevor Long)

I travelled about 400km into regional NSW yesterday and observed a vast improvement in network availability.

I was able to make a phone call from an area which previously offered me no coverage at all on the Vodafone network.

Optus customers too will see improvements, with speed on both 4G and 5G lifting across the Optus regional network.

Vodafone’s Kieren Cooney says: “With Vodafone expanding across Australia, the days of having limited mobile choice in regional Australia are over.

“We believe this is the biggest boost to mobile competition in 30 years and will make a huge difference to how Vodafone customers connect, work, travel and play right across the country.”

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Australia has just three mobile networks – Telstra, Optus and Vodafone – but even with the two challenger brands joining forces, Telstra’s coverage remains unrivalled, though many argue their lead is in the most outback and remote areas, not the heavier populated towns and cities across Australia.

Time will tell if this change really can sway the minds of complacent and loyal consumers.