A BONE-CHILLING alleged Big Foot encounter left a hunter stranded, forcing him to stare the monster directly in the eyes.
The hunter, known as MK, was out raccoon hunting when he stumbled upon a colossal creature resembling King Kong deep within the woods.

Walking through his regular hunting grounds in the Pennsylvania Gamelands just north of State College, where he was a student, MK was overcome by a sense of foreboding.
The expansive region spans more than 1200 acres of dense forest, providing an ideal environment for hunting various game such as deer, turkey, and smaller animals, according to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.
MK had been going to the location since January to scout out the perfect hunting spot and officially began hunting when he got his permit in February.
When MK arrived to begin hunting on February 1, he suddenly felt uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.
Peculiar things continued to happen as MK began hunting.
When he used his Predator Call, he would hear a “plap, plap, plap” sound as if something was dropping into the water.
The nearby creek would continue to bubble and gurgle in a way that seemed like it was being caused by an outside force.
After spending some time in the area, MK felt “freaked out,” so he decided to pack up his items and head back home.
As he walked back home, the hunter described feeling like someone or something was watching him, and even claimed to have seen “black silhouette on the opposite side of the creek disappear into the brush.”
On February 19, MK returned to the Gamelands area, this time to the southwest end.
The hunter began using his predator call at 5:30 pm, but was unable to detect any nearby animal activity.
MK shortly found an animal path near the creek which led him to a bridge that crosses the creek and allows limited access from the parking area.
The Penn State student made it across the creek by 6:10 pm but was already beginning to feel wary about the fast-approaching darkness.
MK was heading back along the creek when he heard a piercing knock to the side of him, which he said sounded as “if you took a bat and gave a tree a nice firm tap.”
Having encountered wildlife before, the hunter remained calm and briskly began to make his way back to the car.
However, as he was walking, he got the sense that a mysterious figure was paralleling his every move.
What is Bigfoot?
Here’s what you need to know…
- Bigfoot, or the Sasquatch, is believed by some to be a hairy bipedal ‘ape-like’ creature
- They are said to live in the wilderness of North America, appearing in the distance or leaving footprints
- Bigfoot ‘hotspots’ are generally found in the Pacific Northwest, particularly the states of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia
- Some believe that Bigfoot is a missing link between humans and other great apes
- Mainstream scientists tend to believe that Bigfoot is little more than folklore
- Most theories around Bigfoot suggest that they are sightings of other large animals, rather than a new ape species
- Descriptions of Bigfoot suggest the animal is between 6 foot and 9 foot tall
- Bigfoot is generally described as being covered in dark hair, and as leaving behind huge footprints up to 24 inches in length
MK got on the phone with his friend who was participating in ROTC at Penn State and pleaded with him to bring his AR-15 to the hunting ground so he could protect himself from the monster following him.
As MK walked with his shotgun in one hand, flashlight in another, and cell phone in his vest pocket with his friend on speakerphone, he was met with a terrible sight.
Standing 40 yards away from him was a horrifying creature with the face of King Kong (in the most recent 2024 movie, MK said), gray skin, and a rounded jaw.
MK said he couldn’t notice any specific details about the animal’s eyes but noted that he had a fluff of hair on the top of his head with a receding hairline.
The hunter said the King Kong-shaped monster was “absolutely jacked” and had no observable neck.
He was only able to glimpse at the monster for two seconds before it faded back behind the trees.
Luckily, MK was able to make it back to his vehicle safely.