Pope Francis is hospitalized with bronchitis and a slight fever immediately following a morning of audiences.
The doctors have identified a respiratory tract infection in the Pope. As a result, two upcoming events have been called off, and a cardinal will be stepping in to lead a Sunday Jubilee Mass in his place.
Although the Pope’s fever has subsided, the respiratory infection persists. The medical team has prescribed him ‘absolute rest,’ leading to the cancellation of his traditional noon blessing for the upcoming Sunday.
Condition stable (stationary), pope follows Mass on television.
Pope Francis is diagnosed with polymicrobial (bacterial, viral and fungal) infection in the respiratory passages, marking a setback.
Treatment adjusted. Wednesday general audience canceled.
Chest scan indicates Pope Francis has developed pneumonia in both lungs, marking another setback.
Cortisone and antibiotic treatments are confirmed. Jubilee audience on Saturday is canceled.
Condition stable with blood exams indicating levels of inflammation improving. Premier Giorgia Meloni visits, first known outside visitor.
Pope’s condition improves slightly.
During a news briefing, the Pope’s physicians have stated that he remains in a critical state and is not yet out of danger. However, they have clarified that his condition is not immediately life-threatening.
Doctors say the pope has developed steroid-induced diabetes that is being treated. Warn of sepsis risk. Prognosis is guarded.
Pope in critical condition after experiencing a respiratory crisis and requires high-pressure oxygen through nasal tubes, in the first mention of assisted breathing.
Francis also receives two blood transfusions after tests show signs of anemia and low platelet count that later are resolved. Setback.
Doctors report that the pope has gone into onset of slight kidney failure, in a setback. No repeat of the respiratory crisis, but he remains in critical condition.
Doctors report slight improvement. No crises. Mild renal failure isn’t causing concern.
Condition remains critical, but stable. No acute respiratory episodes. Underwent chest scan to monitor double pneumonia. Prognosis remains reserved.
The mild renal failure has regressed, in an improvement. Continues to receive oxygen through nasal tubes, and undergoes respiratory physiotherapy.
Doctors no longer refer to condition being critical, but repeat prognosis is guarded.
Doctors say a chest CT scan taken a day earlier shows the ‘normal evolution’ of pneumonia infection as it’s being treated. Again no reference to critical condition.
Pope suffers isolated coughing spasm during which he inhaled vomit, in a setback requiring noninvasive aspiration to remove.
Responded well. Placed on a noninvasive mechanical ventilation mask to pump supplemental oxygen into his lungs. Prognosis remains guarded.
Condition stable after respiratory crisis. Pope alternates noninvasive mechanic ventilation mask with long periods of nasal tube with high flows of supplemental oxygen.
Condition stable. No need for noninvasive mechanical ventilation, just the nasal tube high pressure oxygen therapy. Pope participated in Mass.
Two acute bronchospasm episodes in a setback requiring bronchoscopies, or a camera-tipped tube with a device to remove mucus plugs, yielding abundant secretions.
Restarted the noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Pope remained alert, oriented and collaborative during maneuvers. Prognosis remains guarded.
Stable condition with no crises. Pope is alternating high-flow delivery of oxygen through nasal tubes by day to noninvasive mechanical ventilation mask delivery by night.
Stable condition with no incidences of respiratory crisis. Physical therapy added to the course of respiratory therapy.
Spent the day in an armchair working, including a call to the parish priest of Gaza.
Stable condition with no incidences of respiratory crisis. Physical therapy and respiratory therapy continue, work alternating with rest and prayer.
Pope records an audio message that is broadcast to the faithful in St. Peter’s Square thanking them for their prayers.
His voice is weak and he’s out of breath.
Stable condition, continuing respiratory therapy.
Doctors say continued stability shows Francis is responding well to treatment and showing ‘gradual, slight improvement.’ Prognosis remains guarded.
Pope Francis is hospitalized with bronchitis and a slight fever immediately following a morning of audiences.
Doctors diagnose respiratory tract infection. Two subsequent events in the following days are canceled, and a cardinal is slotted in for the pope to celebrate a Sunday Jubilee Mass.