It is possible for an attack similar to the one that occurred on October 7th to happen here. It is not only individuals from less developed countries who may desire such an event. Recently, a video surfaced featuring three college professors from Virginia advocating for the violent overthrow of Israel and the United States.
Yes, really! Just watch:
Horrifying, listen to three professors from Virginia public universities discuss taking down the United States through violence.
“We actually need to crash the US—We must stand with the armed resistance.”
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) March 17, 2025
Some key excerpts:
Discussing the use of violence as a revolutionary tool in my class shocks my students. Introducing the concept of violence as a necessity in some revolutionary situations is particularly startling to them.
One of the professors, wearing a keffiyeh, mentions the idea of violence without specifying the location. However, his colleague provides more clarity on the subject in the video.
We actually need to crash the US settler state, which has incredible reverberations and literally strangles the tentacles of, uhm, that are reaching into the Israeli state.
Good luck with that. This woman – and she’s supposedly an academic? She apparently has no idea what people are like outside of academia, or how badly what she’s proposing would go – for her and her side.
Then there’s this guy:
So we must stand with the armed resistance and work right not to end this impunity by disrupting the flow of weapons the Zionists and trust the armed resistance will defeat Zionism if it was an open battlefield.
Of course, if he’s talking about armed resistance here, in the United States, he’s now in the FA stage – and he ain’t gonna like the FO.
It stands to reason that if any of these people are immigrants, here on an academic visa of some kind or a green card, they should have that status revoked and be sent back immediately. We have no place for such people here. This is not an issue of free speech; this is a call for insurrection. This is the open, deliberate incitement to violence, and is beyond the scope of any freedom of expression. I’m something of a First Amendment absolutist, but this is beyond any such consideration.
While the Trump administration is doing a great job of un-aliving terrorist leaders overseas, which is worth doing every day and twice on Sunday, sooner or later we’re going to have to look into the domestic threat. As you can see from this video, it’s not from the mysterious white supremacist that the left claims are under every flat rock, but who mysteriously never seem to appear in the open. And these people, with their unhinged rantings, give one a pretty good idea where the young skulls full of mush in institutions like Columbia are picking up their antisemitism and hate for Israel and the United States. It’s from “academics” like these people.