Horror moment thug crashes in high-speed police chase before cop cars smash into vehicle & fly through air injuring 13

THIS is the moment a thug crashes in a high-speed police chase before three cop cars fly into the back of each other.

In a comical series of events, bumbling French cops have driven into the back of one another as they tried to chase the motor.

Security camera footage of a high-speed police chase ending in a collision.
The getaway car crashes into a lamp post as they tried to flee cops
Security camera footage of a high-speed police chase ending in a collision.
The cop car closest in the chase flies into the back of the stopped car
Security camera footage of a high-speed police chase ending in a collision.
Soon after a second cop car then crashes into the back of the first cop car
Security camera footage of a high-speed police chase ending in a collision.
A third cop car then crashes into the back of the second cop car

The nose-to-tail-to-nose-to-tail-to-nose-to-tail left 13 people injured, including 10 cops.

CCTV footage shows the black BMW crash at high speed into a traffic light in central Paris.

Less than a second after it comes to a stop having knocked over the pole, a cop car drives into the back of it.

Two officers quickly jump out of the car and rush round towards the BMW to arrest the driver.

A second police car subsequently crashes into the rear of the initial patrol car at a considerable speed, resulting in significant damage to the front and back of both vehicles in a rear-end collision.

The collision shunts the first cop car up onto the top of the BMW and causes smoke to start pouring out of the second car.

Two officers quickly jump out of the second cop car and rush round to the BMW to help arrest the driver.

The driver is dragged out, pinned to the asphalt in the middle of the street and arrested.

One of the officers quickly grabs something out of the second cop car and then goes to help an injured person.

Just seconds later a third cop car then drives into the back of the second one.

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Officials said the driver, who was allegedly drunk, had refused to stop at the request of cops at about 5.45am Saturday morning.

Cops chased the BMW for several kilometres after they had  they ran a red light in the 14th district in southern Paris, said police.

Following the multiple-vehicle accident, the driver and two passengers, at the ages of 30, 22, and 19, were apprehended and transported to a medical facility with injuries that were deemed non-life-threatening by law enforcement officials.

The deputy mayor of Paris’ 15th arrondissement said it was a “miracle” no one had died.

High-speed police chase resulting in a multi-vehicle crash.
The first cop car was shunted by the second and left resting on the BMWCredit: AnthonySamama
Headline: 'LIKE A FILM SHOOT' Horror moment thug crashes in high-speed police chase before cop cars smash into vehicle & fly through air injuring 13
The three cop cars were left in an embarrassing position

Expressing his concern over the incident, Anthony Samama emphasized the severity of the situation by pointing out the involvement of a drunk driver, noncompliance with regulations, injuries sustained by nine police officers, damage to three police vehicles, and several related incidents. He also underscored the urgent need to enhance the existing penalties, which currently consist of a maximum of two years of imprisonment and a fine of 15,000€.

“The investigation is ongoing, and it appears the vehicle was not stolen. The driver was, however, clearly intoxicated and already had a bad reputation with the police.”

The police Union posted an image of the pile-up and said the fleeing driver had “endangered the lives of our colleagues”.

They said: “A chilling image that testifies to the violence of the accident that occurred in Paris.

“UNSA Police stands alongside our colleagues and wishes them a speedy recovery.”

All the officers have now been released from hospital.

Security camera footage of a high-speed police chase.
Officers managed to get out of the first cop car before the second car crashed into it
Security camera footage of a high-speed police chase ending in a collision.
Officers arrested the driver in the middle of the street
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