As mysterious aircraft are spotted in New Jersey skies, James and Daria Totten, owners of the Totten Family Farm in Long Valley, spoke to Fox News Digital about witnessing the peculiar phenomena.
They have recorded footage of the strange objects near their 80-acre-farm.
“Drones? This video was taken in Chester tonight near our farm. WTF!” a post on the farm’s Instagram page reads.
James, who said he is a private pilot but hasn’t flown in years, told Fox News Digital that the aircraft were flying fairly quickly. He described the sound as “almost silent” but also said there was also a large object that sounded like a plane.
Gov. Phil Murphy has also taken notice, telling Fox News Digital on Monday that while he does not believe the drones are dangerous to residents, he has been in touch with federal authorities.
“I don’t blame people for being frustrated,” Murphy said. “I should say, most importantly, right up front, we see – and when I say ‘we,’ this includes Homeland Security, FBI, Secret Service, our state police – we don’t see any concern to public safety.”
Fox News’ Anders Hagstrom contributed to this report.