Left: Orion Schlesinger. Right: Rowan Henry Littauer (Sublette County Sheriff’s Office). Inset: Dakota Farley (Covill Funeral Home).
Two men in Wyoming are facing charges in connection to the death of a 23-year-old man whom the suspects accused of being a pedophile.
Rowan Henry Littauer, 19, has been charged with first-degree murder and mutilation of a dead body, while 18-year-old Orion Schlesinger is facing charges of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and theft in connection with the killing of 23-year-old Dakota Farley.
According to a probable cause arrest affidavit obtained by Law&Crime, the investigation into the case started on Feb. 5 when the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office received text messages through dispatch that claimed “Rowan (19) shot Dakota with a bow and 2 arrows” and “one less pedifile (sic) now.” However, it was noted that there is no verified information that Farley had engaged in any illicit behavior with minors. The affidavit does not provide any explanation as to why the suspects believed Farley was a pedophile.
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During questioning, detectives spoke with Littauer who reportedly admitted to shooting a man with a bow and two arrows, targeting his arm and head. Littauer used the map feature on his phone to indicate the location of Farley’s residence where the alleged murder took place. He further implicated Schlesinger by stating that he was present during the killing.
Cops went to the home in Pinedale, a mountain town some 350 miles northwest of Cheyenne, and found Farley’s body lying face down on the living room carpet. Detectives saw dried blood under and around Farley’s head. They also observed eight “circular shaped wounds” with BBs lodged inside in the left side of Farley’s head. Since there was no blood in the wounds, investigators determined that Farley was shot with the BB gun after he was dead.
Further investigation revealed that pals Littauer and Schlesinger concocted a plan in the evening hours of Feb. 1 to go to Farley’s home “with the express purpose of ending his life.” Littauer allegedly said he gathered a “compound bow, broadhead tipped arrows, and a BB gun” at his house after Schlesinger came over. The pair then walked over a mile to Farley’s house and went inside where the victim was standing in the living room, according to the affidavit. Cops did not say in the affidavit whether Farley knew the suspects prior to the incident.
Littauer shot Farley “through the right arm and into his chest, resulting in his nearly-instantaneous death,” detectives wrote. He then allegedly fired eight BBs into Farley’s head as he lay dead on the ground. Schlessinger is accused of stealing Farley’s purple and gray .22 caliber revolver.
Police recovered the bow and arrow and BB gun Littauer said he used.
Both Littauer and Schlessinger are in the Sublette County Jail on a $5 million bond. Sweetwater Now reports that the two men have a court hearing scheduled for Feb. 13.
Farley’s obituary said his “life was tragically and senselessly taken in the early morning hours of Sunday, Feb. 2025.” According to his obituary, Farley served a mission at the Kemmerer Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Wyoming.
“Dakota loved to play basketball, he was a big gamer and was member of the Jackson Hole Moose Rugby team,” the obituary reads. “Every chance he got he wanted to be outside; he loved to hunt, camp and fish. His favorite place to be was Boulder Lake, but as much as he loved fishing, his family says the fishing trips would often end up becoming a swimming event, because wherever he was, he loved playing in the water and in the sand of the beach.”