Married At First Sight bride Jamie Marinos has made the heartbreaking confession that she is no longer in love with groom Dave Hand.
During Sunday’s Commitment Ceremony, Dave claimed that he had put in significant effort to regain his partner’s trust after initially confessing that he did not harbor any romantic feelings towards her. This admission came after she had already professed her love for him.
‘I just feel like, the last week, my feelings have grown and I’ve been showing up with the gestures I’ve made. I’ve come out of my shell’ he said.
‘I can feel the feelings coming on’ Dave added hopefully.
But Dave’s declarations of having growing feels for Jamie didn’t sway her – the love was lost.
‘At the moment, I don’t think I’m in love with Dave’ she told her devastated husband.
‘I think there’s an element of being scared, though. I didn’t know Dave didn’t have feelings progressing’ she said.
In her confession, she expressed her shock and betrayal, stating, “I trusted Dave so much not to do anything to hurt me. Like, this man is such a good guy.” Her emotions were completely blindsided by his actions.
Dave continued to argue that he wanted to make it work.
Despite the tumultuous situation, Dave mentioned, “I feel we’re in a good spot I do have hope for us… I can understand that and I feel like she has to proceed with caution. I can get that.”
‘But I’m trying to show up and be better and see what we can do together.’
The ceremony ended on a hopeful note, after both Jamie and Dave chose to stay in the experiment another week.
Jamie recently made a confession about her time on Nine’s ratings blockbuster.
The 28-year-old became a fan favourite as viewers felt they saw a genuine romance blossom between the account manager and her match Dave Hand.
But things between the pair cooled after Jamie declared her love for Dave during Feedback Week.
‘He’s pretty much telling me I’m too ugly to root,’ she said during one harrowing feedback session and added: ‘This is a hard thought to ponder. But I appreciate him being honest.’
She now says that viewers comments about Dave’s actions ring true.
‘At that moment in time, I don’t believe he was there for the right reasons, because of what was shown to me,’ Jamie said in a new interview with Yahoo Lifestyle.
Jamie says that she couldn’t understand how he could ‘flip the script’.
She continues: ‘And it just felt like to me, in that moment, his mask had fallen off and I was essentially just his meal ticket or something.
Jamie said could not understand how Dave could go from feeling ‘warm and fuzzy’ to saying. ‘I don’t hate that girl’ – a comment that particularly stung her.
‘It was awful to watch back because this is someone I’ve professed love to in front of the world essentially, I’ve spoken so highly of, and you know, when I needed to be validated and reassured, he essentially let me down massively and humiliated me.’
Elsewhere in the chat she said: ‘I felt like that was really hard to watch back as well, and seeing the full scope of what was going through his mind.
‘I do understand that there’s clearly avoidant attachment, but I was really surprised in that moment, and even re-watching it, just the complete change up, so, of course, I questioned his intentions.’
It comes after an insider claimed Jamie was branded the ‘producers’ pet’ by multiple female co-stars due to her strict adherence to production rules.
‘Jamie was pretty much the only cast member to follow all of the rules. On occasion, she would even let producers know when people were secretly meeting up away from the cameras or when they were chatting directly with media and paparazzi,’ a source told Yahoo Lifestyle.
‘Even now Jamie is the only person playing by the rules and her co-stars believe Channel Nine have promised to make her a star with future TV work and projects. There’s a lot of jealousy towards her from most of the cast.’