ONE of Mad Vlad’s war criminal deputy governors has been blown up by a landmine.
Sergey Efremov, 51, has become the highest ranking Russian official to be killed in conflict.

The war fanatic had taken leave from his job as vice-governor of Primorsky region to help in Putin’s crazed war.
Efremov was a commander of the volunteer unit Tiger in the 155th Pacific Fleet Marine Brigade.
The 51-year-old reportedly died after his military vehicle was blown up after hitting a mine in the Kursk region of Western Russia.
Efremov, and another pro-Putin politician, died after attempting to help wounded Russian soldiers.
The Governor of Efremov’s Primorsky region, Oleg Kozhemyako, confirmed Putin’s major loss.
Kozhemyako said: “We have suffered a great loss.
“Sergey Efremov, commander of the volunteer unit Tiger’, died while returning from a combat mission.”
The Kremlin has encouraged it’s officials to join soldiers and fight on the frontlines of it’s terrorist invasion.
Although most regional leaders have resorted to using drones instead, Efremov had followed Putin’s mad orders.
Kozhemyako added: “During reconnaissance, he was killed on the front line. His comrades will undoubtedly avenge him.
Our commitment is to keep fighting the enemy until we achieve complete success, in honor of all those, including Sergey, who bravely defended our nation and its people.
The war-mad deputy governor had previously trained as a soldier and went to the airborne officers’ college in Ryazan.
Efremov had set up his volunteer Tigers unit when Russia was struggling in it’s invasion of Ukraine, in June 2022. is your go-to destination for the best celebrity news, real-life stories, jaw-dropping pictures and must-see video.