AFTER being fined by his HOA, a man has erected a bat house in his backyard out of spite.
The HOA fined him for leaving his trash cans visible, so he came up with this bizarre way to get revenge.
The TikToker ( starts his video by addressing a very specific audience: “This video is for my HOA.”
“My HOA recently discovered that trash cans are ugly,” he said.
“Yeah, it’s a trash can,” he joked.
The TikToker told his followers that the HOA was charging him $50 every time his trash cans were visible from the road.
“They gave me options,” he said. “They said I can either put my trash cans in the garage, but that’s my home gym, or I can erect a fence,” he said.
Instead of pursuing those options, he decided to construct a bat house on his lawn.
In the video, he notes that bat sanctuaries are protected — meaning the HOA can’t force him to get rid of it.
Inspired by his love for Halloween, he decided this was the perfect way to get revenge on his HOA.
According to Bat Conservation International, bats in North America are safeguarded in their habitats, and certain regulations are in place to ensure their protection if they inhabit a residence or structure.
“However, several species of conservation concern such as little brown bats and Florida bonneted bats might be found in man-made structures.”
The TikToker said this was all an elaborate ruse to be “petty” and annoy his HOA after they asked him to hide his trash cans.
In the video, the TikToker said the vice president of his HOA lives “right there” while pointing off-screen.
This is actually the second video in a two-part series where the TikToker talks about how to “piss off” his HOA.
The homeowner currently has a massive following of over 3 million social media users.
This specific video has over 1.5 million likes and 22,000 comments.
Some TikTokers were amused by the influencer’s decision to anger his HOA in such a harmless way.
“I just spit out my drink,” commented one user.
Others were requesting updates on the bat house and giving even suggestions on how to improve the structure.
“I wanna know when bats move in,” one TikTok user joked.
Some users shared similar stories about their own frustrating experiences with the HOA.
An individual shared a personal anecdote, mentioning that their father and stepmother faced penalties for having dandelions in their yard within a Homeowners Association (HOA) community. As a response, the stepmother removed several dandelions, planted them in pots, and displayed them on the porch.