ALMOST 1,000 mysterious objects have been reported flying over the US in the past few weeks – with some of them reportedly being the size SUVs.
Officials revealed there were at least 964 unmanned aircraft systems sightings – with almost 200 of them reported on a single night.

Hysteria and conspiracy theories swept the country as these sightings began on November 19.
Large, glowing objects were seen hovering over homes and even military bases.
Several local residents have described seeing unidentified aircraft resembling mini-SUVs hovering close to the ground with flashing lights, leading to concerns among the community.
Some of these objects were also seen flying in clusters, almost like a swarm of drones.
Out of the nearly 1,000 sightings, 243 were recorded in suburban Hunterdon County.
Almost 170 sightings were reported in Somerset County, with Bergen County next at 75 reports.
Sixty-three sightings were recorded in Monmouth County and 59 were reported over Union County.
Suspected sightings have been reported in other East Coast states including New York, and Pennsylvania.
These mysterious flying objects have been observed not only above a space site in California but also near a military air base in Virginia, close to Washington D.C.
According to statements from certain federal officials, these alarming sightings may be attributed to conventional manned aircraft like helicopters or small planes which may have been mistaken for something more unusual, as detailed in The New York Post.
The Pentagon and FBI have claimed there is no threat to the public but have been unable to explain the bizarre phenomena.
There are also chances that these could rather be big drones, as used in the military or commercial activities like agriculture.
But elected officials in New Jersey and New York have called for a more robust investigation.
A New Jersey mayor fueled panic after he revealed his fire department was briefed by state officials to wear hazmat suits in case these mystery objects crash down to earth.
Belleville Mayor Michael Melham revealed the shocking update on Friday.
“That guidance does say two different things: First of all if there is a downed drone in our vicinity, we are immediately to call the bomb squad of our county,” Melham said on Fox News.
“And second, our fire department has been instructed to make sure they wear hazmat suits.”
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy also called on Biden to be more proactive on this issue.
He said: “New Jersey residents deserve more concrete information about these UAS sightings and what is causing them.
“I respectfully urge you to continue to direct the federal agencies involved to work together until they uncover answers as to what is behind the UAS sightings.”
Meanwhile, Donald Trump launched his scathing attack on Biden and offered his solution to the problem, in a post on Truth Social.
“Mystery drone sightings all over the country,” the President-elect wrote.
“Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge? I don’t think so!Let the public know, and now.
“Otherwise, shoot them down!”

Jeff Van Drew, a Republican Representative of New Jersey, accused the Pentagon of hiding the truth about the mysterious drones from the American public.
An Iranian ship was reportedly spotted off the New Jersey shore, the day before the apparent drone sightings began happening.
Van Drew launched a wild claim that these mystery objects were being sent from the supposed Iranian vessel, citing “high sources”.
“Iran launched a mothership probably about a month ago that contains these drones,” Van Drew said.
“That mothership is off… the East Coast of the United States of America. They’ve launched drones into everything that we can see or hear.
“And again, these are from high sources. I don’t say this lightly.”
The congressman echoed Trump’s statement and called for the flying objects to be “shot down”.
The Pentagon refuted Van Drew’s claims and said there was no evidence of an Iranian vessel.