THIS is the bizarre moment a sledgehammer-wielding Grinch dramatically stole Christmas from a drug gang.
A family allegedly involved in cocaine dealing attempted to make a profit during the festive season but was unexpectedly interrupted by an individual who despises Christmas.

Police in Lima, Peru, used an unusual method to round up a criminal family and take control of Santa’s naughty list.
Authorities in Peru employed a unique tactic by utilizing the well-known character from Dr. Seuss, the Grinch, to approach a drug distribution center in San Bartolo, located in the southern part of the city, discreetly.
Bizarre footage showed one officer climbing into the distinctive dayglo green Grinch costume complete with a Santa suit.
The cop’s festive dress was not complete without a huge sledgehammer over his shoulder.
This detective Grinch’s final accessory was a group of heavily armed Terna Squad cops following behind.
Video from the national police agency also showed the Grinch and his colleagues raiding the building where they discovered the alleged crime clan.
They also found thousands of individual hits of the drug ready-wrapped for sale to users at Christmas and New Year’s Eve parties.
Elsewhere they discovered bagfulls of cocaine paste ready for cutting and packaging, local media reported on 22nd December.
The unconventional operation took an amusing turn when the officer dressed as the Grinch was captured on video reprimanding one of the suspects while still donning the iconic costume.
This crime-busting festive officer also embraced the film character’s odd side as he danced for the camera and issued a warning to lawbreakers.
The green cop said: “I hate Christmas and criminals.”
Three suspects were arrested in the unique drug bust.
One of the suspects was identified as Eva Espinoza Maza, reportedly known as the Queen of the South by drugs police.
Her siblings, Norka Espinoza Maza, 24, and Fidel Espinoza Maza, 26, were also arrested.
The head of the Peruvian Nation Police Terna Squad explained why his force used the unusual disguise.
Colonel Carlos Lopez Aedo said: “Using the ingenuity and cunning of the Terna Group, we used the Grinch.”
This festive shocker has not been the first time this Lima police unit has dressed its agents in costumes.
A suspected drug dealer was arrested by a cop dressed as a teddy bear on Valentine’s Day.