In the Altadena community of Los Angeles, determined homeowners are standing their ground to protect their homes amidst the devastating wildfires. They have refused to leave their homes, despite police barricades and evacuation orders.
Law enforcement officials have made multiple arrests related to looting and arson in the area. Prosecutors in Los Angeles and Orange County are urging the governor to impose stricter punishments for those involved in looting.
Ignoring evacuation orders, Mike Leroy and Billy Theodorakopoulos told Fox News Digital they were protecting their neighborhood against looters.
The pair said they were hoping more of their neighbors would join them.
“We are calling on neighbors to return to their homes to provide us with some relief,” said Theodorakopoulos. “With just six of us covering a three-block radius, we are stretched thin and need more support to safeguard the neighborhood.”
Earlier this week, a local lawyer named Aaron Lubeley told the Wall Street Journal his well-off neighborhood suddenly felt grittier as friends from outside the perimeter dropped off supplies to holdouts like himself who were defying evacuation orders.
“We do feel like we’re in the Wild West,” he told the paper.
The fires have killed at least 24 people in just over a week. Authorities say they expect to discover more fatalities.
Compounding the issue are looters and arsonists.
Evacuation orders are mandatory, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, while evacuation warnings are advisory. Authorities are urging residents to be packed and ready to move with their pets and important papers.
Fox News’ Max Bacall contributed to this report.