Taylor Sheridan’s intense prequel series to Yellowstone, titled 1923, is finally making a comeback with its second season on February 23 on Paramount+. This installment follows Jacob Dutton (played by Harrison Ford) and Cara Dutton (played by Helen Mirren), who are responsible for safeguarding the family ranch and looking after John Dutton (played by James Badge Dale) and Spencer Dutton (played by Brandon Sklenar) following the tragic deaths of the main characters from 1883, James Dillard Dutton (portrayed by Tim McGraw) and Margaret Dutton (portrayed by Faith Hill).
The first season portrayed the Dutton family enduring numerous challenges, such as John Dutton’s demise, Jacob’s near-fatal experience, a failed attack on the ranch, among other trials. Their primary adversaries were the corrupt landowner Donald Whitfield (played by Timothy Dalton) and his associate Banner Creighton (portrayed by Jerome Flynn). When Spencer finally reads Cara’s letters begging for help to preserve their heritage, he rushes back to Montana with his newlywed wife Alexandra (played by Julia Schlaepfer), but they face perilous obstacles on their journey.
In the Season 2 teaser, Creighton inquires about Spencer’s background at a bar, to which a fellow patron describes him as a war hero and a lethal combatant. Subsequently, Whitfield is shown at his opulent residence outlining his ambition to transform Montana into an exclusive playground for the wealthy. He aims to acquire the Dutton family’s land to fulfill his grand vision. As Whitfield and Creighton clandestinely monitor the Duttons, Whitfield vows to obliterate everything they have fought to protect.
The following sequence shows Sheriff William McDowell (Robert Patrick) trying to reason with Jacob to “prevent a war” between the Duttons and Whitfield’s men. “[War] ain’t preventable. He wants to take this place from us,” growls Jacob. Meanwhile, Spencer must use his cunning and brawn to make his way from a steamliner in the Atlantic Ocean to his family’s ranch in Montana.
Then, a montage of action shows the Duttons taking up arms and fighting for their land. “Of all the things I’ve had to do for this ranch, this takes the cake,” mutters Cara as she cocks her rifle on her windowsill, ready to defend what’s hers.
Judging by the trailer, Spencer’s steely resolve to return home will be a large part of the season’s focus. Along his journey, we see him encounter US Deputy Marshall Mamie Fossett (played by series newcomer and Dexter vet Jennifer Carpenter) and a mysterious gangster (played by Days Of Our Lives vet Gilles Marini). Bloodied, Spencer is seen telling Marini’s character, “My family is in danger, my wife is lost to me, and I don’t have time.”
Will you be tuning in to see more of the Duttons’ origin story? Season 2 will be here before you know it!
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