'Hitler was excited about the possibility of a love affair with her. Towards attractive women, he behaved as a 17-year-old...' Read Part 2 of the secret diary of the Fuhrer's English girlfriend - the story that's caused a global sensation

Unity Mitford has developed a routine where she frequents the Osteria Bavaria restaurant in Munich on a daily basis, with the hope of encountering Adolf Hitler.

Whenever he summons her to his table, she chats to him about everything from politics and travel to movies and music.

Hitler has been inundated with hundreds of love letters from female admirers, many of whom become hysterical at the mere sight of him. Some fans have even resorted to extreme measures like swallowing gravel that he has walked on. However, Lord Redesdale’s daughter, Unity, stands out as she remains undaunted despite her deep infatuation.

In 1936, Unity begins documenting her thoughts in a diary, signaling a shift from her previous frivolous lifestyle. She appears determined to shed her carefree ways and transform into a suitable companion for Hitler, perhaps even envisioning a future as his wife.

Diary, 1936 

Wednesday, January 1: [Munich] Walk to Osteria. A.H. (Mein Kampf) 3-5. Tram to National Theatre. See ‘Tristan und Isolde’ [Wagner opera]. Bad seat. Leave after 2nd Act.

Eager to impress Hitler, Unity has decided to translate his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) from German into English. She’s also embarked on a quest to see operas by Wagner – Hitler’s favourite composer – whenever she can. ‘It will be the first thing I have ever really suffered for the sake of the Fuhrer,’ she confides in a letter to Muv.

Friday, January 3: Wash stockings. See the two big black Mercs go into V.B. building [Nazi newspaper office] in Schellingstrasse. So excited, can hardly walk. Go into Osteria. The FUHRER is sitting there. He sends Bruckner to invite me to his table. I go and sit with him. He is in wonderful stimmung [mood]. The Fuhrer tells the awful story of how they were lost in a plane over the North Sea. A terrible thought. Deutlmoser [Osteria owner] gives us each a diary, the Fuhrer a special red one. The Fuhrer gives me the red one. He is very sweet. I eat lunch with him, chicken and fruit. He goes about 4.15. Shakes hands with me twice. A wonderful day. 

Unity Mitford, who turned the head of Adolf Hitler. She writes in her diaries as if she's resolved to be a fitting girlfriend, perhaps even wife, for the Fuhrer

Unity Mitford, who turned the head of Adolf Hitler. She writes in her diaries as if she’s resolved to be a fitting girlfriend, perhaps even wife, for the Fuhrer

In November 1933, Hitler’s personal pilot lost his bearings and ended up wandering aimlessly over the North Sea. He had just 15 minutes of fuel left when he warned Hitler to brace himself for an emergency landing.

Wednesday, January 8: Osteria. Sit next to [Hitler]. He offers me wine again! He is very gay. Discussion over Knappertsbusch [opera director who’s made disparaging remarks about the Nazi regime]. The Fuhrer says he can’t conduct again.

Friday, January 10: Find Harper’s & Tatler for me [Farve, Unity’s father Lord Redesdale, often sends Unity glossy magazines].

Unity’s friend Mary Ormsby-Gore recalls: ‘(Unity and Hitler) both used to comb through the Tatler every week to mark the names of those who might come over to them when he occupied England. Several rather dizzy lords. They had great lists, the Nazis.’

Saturday, January 11: Hairdresser. Osteria about 1.45. [Sit with] Peter Cadogan [English writer]. The FUHRER comes about 2.15. Sends adjutant for me about 2.45. Asks about Diana and the children. I tell him I want to translate 3rd volume of Mein Kampf when published. He makes me eat lots of fruit – apple, nuts, orange, bananas, grapes. He tells me he intends going on Mediterranean cruise. He goes through lots of English politicians and makes me tell what I think of them. Peter Cadogan comes up and asks for autograph in Mein Kampf. [In 2017, this signed copy will sell at a UK auction for £17,000.] The FUHRER goes about 4.15. As he goes, he says to me: ‘Jedes mal, dass ich mit Ihnen rede, werde ich gescheiter’. [‘Every time I talk to you, I get wiser.’] 

Tuesday, January 14: Finish Goebbels’ ‘Michael’ [semi-autobiographical novel by Hitler’s propaganda chief]. A very affecting book. I am sorry to finish it. Stadelmann comes about 8.30[pm]. I wear Stadelmann’s SS coat over dressing gown. Stadelmann stays till 2.30[am].

Erich Widmann – Unity’s SS boyfriend for most of 1935 – has been posted to the German-Swiss border. The bespectacled Fritz Stadelmann, one of Hitler’s junior SS adjutants, has taken over as her regular escort.

It’s likely, though impossible to verify, that Unity’s having an affair with him. Biographer David Pryce-Jones says that by now she’s seen a gynaecologist for contraceptive advice.

By this point, Hitler is receiving several hundred love letters a day from female fans, who often become hysterical when they see him

By this point, Hitler is receiving several hundred love letters a day from female fans, who often become hysterical when they see him

Dramatis personae for 1936

Blor: Mitfords’ former nanny.

Brandt, Dr KARL: Hitler’s doctor, later initiated cruel medical experiments on camp inmates, also jointly responsible for euthanasia programme. Hanged 1948.

Braun, Eva: Hitler’s mistress since 1933, formerly assistant to photographer Heinrich Hoffman.Committed suicide April 1945.

Bruckner, Wilhelm: Hitler’s chief adjutant. Sentenced in 1948 to three-and-a-half years.

Dietrich, Otto: Nazi press chief. Sentenced in 1949 to seven years.

Goebbels, Dr Joseph: Nazi propaganda chief. Committed suicide May 1945.

Goring, or Goering, Hermann: Luftwaffe chief. Committed suicide in October 1946.

Haase, Dr Werner: Hitler’s personal doctor. Died in 1950.

Hoffmann, Heinrich: Hitler’s official photographer. Sentenced in 1947 to ten years’ prison.

Lutze, Viktor: Leader of the SA paramilitaries. Killed in May 1943.

Mosley, Sir Oswald: Leader of British Union of Fascists, married lover of Diana Mitford

Ormsby-Gore, Mary: Daughter of future Lord Harlech. Friend of Unity.

Schaub, Julius: Hitler’s adjutant.

Speer, Albert: Hitler’s architect. Sentenced in 1946 to 20 years’ jail.

Von Arent, Benno: Hitler’s favourite stage designer.

von Ribbentrop, Joachim: Hitler’s foreign policy adviser, later ambassador to Britain and foreign affairs minister. Hastened process of sending Jews to death camps. Hanged in October 1946.

Wagner, Adolf: Bavarian interior minister, Gauleiter of Munich. Died of a stroke in 1944.

Wagner, Winifred: Fascist British-born widow of composer’s son Siegfried, runs the Wagner festival in Bayreuth. Close to Hitler.

Werlin, Jakob: Director-general of Daimler-Benz in Munich, supplier of Hitler’s cars. Spent three years in US internment camp.

Woodisse, Mary: Studying for doctorate in linguistics in Munich. Friend of Unity.

Tuesday, January 21: Marianna [servant at Unity’s lodgings] tells Diana & me the King [George V] is dead when she brings our breakfast. Walk to town. Buy black armbands.

Sunday, February 2: Taxi to Englisch Kirche [English church] in Blumenstrasse. Memorial service for the King there. Carlton about 5.45. The FUHRER there. I sit by him. Says he hopes Diana & I & Tom will go to Parteitag [Nuremberg rally] this year. 

Monday, February 3: Am miserable all morning, because I think the FUHRER is cross with me, though I have no reason to think so.

Friday, February 7: Curse [period]. Hairdresser. Osteria about 1.45. The FUHRER comes about 3. He sends Bruckner for me at once. The Fuhrer in a wonderful mood. Says he will invite Mary [Woodisse] & me to tea in his Wohnung [apartment]. He says he received Lord & Lady L. [Lord Londonderry admires Nazism, his wife is sceptical] in Berlin. I am very sorry & say so. 

Unity writes to Diana: ‘Lady Londonderry will simply go back & say just as nasty things as ever . . . [Hitler] talked a lot about England & Germany & said that in 2 years’ time the German army will be the strongest, not only in Europe but in the WORLD. Isn’t it wonderful. And he said that with the German army & the English Navy we could rule the world. Oh if we could have that . . . Heil Hitler!

Sunday, February 9: Mary & I taxi to the FUHRER’s Wohnung 4. Find him alone. Dr and Frau Goebbels come soon after. We all have tea in front of the fire. The Fuhrer talks wonderfully about English fascism and the Church etc. The Goebbels go about 6. The Fuhrer says we can stay on, we stay alone with him till 7.15. He is wonderful. I have never lived through anything so beautiful. He writes on picture for Diana. He sends me home in his OWN CAR! It was all so wonderful. 

Saturday, February 15: [Unity’s been invited to the Goebbels’ lakeside villa.] Arrive Berlin. Am called to Reichskanzlei [Reich chancellery] 4.30. Find the Fuhrer and Goebbels and lots of others. Herr Speer [Hitler’s chief architect] drives me to buy a pullover and back to Reichskanzlei.

Albert Speer later recalls: ‘[Unity] was highly in love with Hitler, we could see it easily – her face brightened up, her eyes gleaming, staring at Hitler. Hero-worship. She was quite attractive – even if nothing happened, he was excited by the possibility of a love affair with her. Towards an attractive woman, he behaved as a 17-year-old.’

Sunday, February 16: Arrive Garmisch ski stadium & watch ski-jumping [part of 1936 winter Olympics]. I stand with the Stabschef [SA chief]. He is so attractive. Sit on Ehrentribune [VIP tribune] in sun & Stabschef comes. Never takes his eyes off me. To Sonderzug [special train] about 4. Dine about 7.30 with the Fuhrer & Frau & Dr Goebbels. All to the Fuhrer’s carriage after.

Stabschef Viktor Lutze, whom 21-year-old Unity finds so attractive, is 45, married with children and has a glass eye.

Wednesday, Feb 19: Lunch 2.30 with Frau & Frl Goebbels. I play with [Magda’s] children in nursery. Dinner 8.15. The Fuhrer comes, & Schaub & Dr & Frau Brandt & her sister. After dinner see film ‘Kater Lampe’. 

Then I sit on sofa arm in arm with the Fuhrer. He tells me about the first years of the NSDAP [Nazi party], then about the 30th of June [1934 Night of the Long Knives, when Hitler purged his political rivals]. Then we talk about Putsy. The Fuhrer very gay. He goes 3 [am].

Putsy – Ernst ‘Putzi’ Hanfstaengl – is Hitler’s foreign press secretary. He recalls: ‘I suppose [Unity] had some idea that she might go one better [than her sister Diana] and end up as Hitler’s wife. She had fallen in love with the man. She wanted to marry him. I remember her saying, ‘Hitler is going to be the Emperor of Europe.’ She wanted to preside over the Nazis.’

Friday, February 21: Breakfast in Frau Goebbels’ room. Hairdresser. Walk to SA headquarters 4.30. Visit Stabschef in his room. Stay quite a long time. Reichskanzlei 8.45. Dine with the Fuhrer and a few others. Drive to station. Sonderzug [special train] leaves 9.20. I & some others go & sit with the Fuhrer. Others go to bed about 1.45. I sit with the Fuhrer alone till 3[am]. He is wonderful. We say goodbye. Bed. Cry for ages.

Why did Unity cry? Hitler may possibly have told her their budding romance must remain a secret, or that it can progress no further.

Sunday, February 23: [Munich] Stabschef & I taxi to Preysing Palais. Dine. On to Regina Bar. Both to my pension [lodgings]. He goes 3.45[am].

Afterwards Unity confesses to Mary Woodisse that she slept with the Stabschef. He took out his glass eye before they had sex, she says, and she’s afraid ‘the Fuhrer will be able to read it in my eyes.’

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor with Hitler in Munich in 1937

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor with Hitler in Munich in 1937

Unity Mitford's secret diary

Unity Mitford’s secret diary

Wednesday, February 26: Arrived Dover 6.15. A new King in England [Edward VIII]. Farve meets me.

Friday, March 6: [London]. Do Fuhrer scrap-book etc.

[The next morning, Hitler’s troops march into the Rhineland, which borders France. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany is forbidden from having a military presence there.]

Friday, March 13: See ‘Modern Times’ [Charlie Chaplin]. Also see on newsreel German troops marching in to Rhineland. Wonderful. Phone Imperial Airways to see if I can fly to Munich to-morrow [sic]. It appears impossible. Very sad.

Sunday, March 22 Change into Black Shirt [British Union of Fascists uniform]. Taxi to Albert Hall about 7.30. Great communist crowds outside, scores of policemen. A wonderful meeting. Some fighting. The Leader [Oswald Mosley] makes a good speech.

Saturday, April 18: [Unity has joined Muv, Debs and Decca on a Lunn Hellenic cruise of the Mediterranean] Debate in Deck Lounge. Mr Hirst proposes motion, ‘That the disadvantages of the systems of government in Italy & Germany outweigh advantages claimed for them.’ Sir Ernest Benn [uncle of future MP Tony Benn] speaks next, then I speak.

In her speech, Unity shocks passengers by giving a vivid description of Hitler’s dressing-gown.

Friday, May 1: [London] Diana tells me about the thrilling things she has been doing [in Germany]. I can’t hear enough but I am a little jealous.

Thursday, May 7: Decca’s knickers come down in the street.

Thursday, June 4: [Munich] Werlin says we [Tom is visiting Unity] are to have car [courtesy of Hitler] for 8 days. Car comes 10. Drive to Arbeitsdienstlager Forstenried [labour camp]. Lagerfuhrer [camp leader] shew us all over lager.

Friday, June 19: [Berlin] Walk over to the Reichskanzlei. Lunch with the Fuhrer & Dr Goebbels. The Fuhrer is in a sweet mood. After lunch we sit in library.


Laugh a lot over picture of Lady L [Londonderry]. Look at lantern slides of Haus Wachenfeld [Alpine chalet Hitler’s acquired, renaming it the Berghof]. The Fuhrer shews us new hall, finished. The FUHRER’S special train leaves 9. Sit with him & Frl. Wolf [Hitler’s chief secretary] & Bruckner & Dietrich in his saloon. He is so sweet & funny about Gooders [Unity’s friend Erna Hanfstaengl, nicknamed Good Girl] & Lady L. etc. I attack Rib. We eat fruit & brotchen [bread rolls] etc. Bed 12.10.

Unity advises Hitler not to appoint Joachim von Ribbentrop as British ambassador. She loathes ‘Rib’ and the feeling’s mutual: he sees himself as the sole intermediary between Germany and Britain, and resents Unity’s hold on Hitler.

Saturday, June 20: [Artwork here: the number 50 is circled in red – clearly the number of times she’s met Hitler] Breakfast with the Fuhrer [on train] 9.15. He is so happy about Schmeling’s victory [German heavyweight boxer Max Schmeling has knocked out US rising star Joe Louis.]

Arrive Munich 9.35. Unpack & re-pack. Catch 11.30 to Nurnberg [Nuremberg]. Wurm [Julius Streicher’s assistant] meets me. Hesselberg 9.45. Big Jugendkundgebung [youth rally], very lovely. We stand on small Tribune. Streicher makes speech. He says I am there. Cheers. Fire is lit. Streicher calls me to him & makes me speak. Cheers. Walk back to cars. Cheers & handshakes all the way. Give lots of autographs.

This is Unity’s second speech at the Hesselberg midsummer festival. Known as ‘Jew-baiter Number One’, her friend Julius Streicher is publisher of the virulently anti-Semitic newspaper Der Sturmer.

Unity’s friend Rosemary Peto recalls: ‘Once, she boasted that it was such fun to have supper with Streicher, as he’d have the Jews in after the meal, they’d be brought up from the cellar and he made them eat grass to entertain the guests.’

Wednesday, June 24: Message from Bruckner to say the FUHRER won’t come to Munich any more this week.

Friday, June 26: Arrive Wien [Vienna] 2.45. Janos meets me. Drive to Bernstein [Count Janos Almasy’s ancient castle in Burgenland, Austria]. Bernstein is the most beautiful & thrilling place I ever saw. My room is lovely. Wash. With Janos & his wife & sister-in-law round the garden. Bath & dress. Dinner. Sit in library afterwards & talk about National Socialism. Bed about 1. I am rather frightened [Bernstein is reputed to have a ghost].Janos comes & sits with me. Sleep about 2.30.

This is the first time Unity separates going to bed and going to sleep. The clear implication from numerous later diary entries is that Janos Almasy, aged 40 and known to be a philanderer, is making love to her in the interim.

Unity has met him through her brother Tom, who boarded with the Almasys to study German and music after leaving Eton.

The Hungarian count’s pious Catholic wife, Princess Marie Esterhazy, is paralysed from the waist down. She sleeps separately from her husband and relies on a wheelchair, making it easy for the lovers to evade her attention.

Janos’s brother Laszlo is a pilot and desert explorer – and the inspiration for the hero of the book and film The English Patient.

Monday, June 29: Princess Auersperg comes 2. Janos & I drive to Fidisch [nearby Kohfidisch] to dine with Grafins [countesses] Jimmy & Baby Palffy-Erdody. Home about 12.30. Go to sleep about 2.

[Tima Auersperg, an Austrian princess, observes: ‘Unity was not much in love with Janos. Hitler was her one God.’]

Tuesday, June 30: Terrific thunderstorm. I sit with Janos in his room. Bed about 1. Sleep about 3.

Baron Konrad von Kottwitz, a friend of Janos, later remarks that Unity must have been frighted when lightning struck a tree outside her window. ‘Oh yes,’ she replies, ‘but I took the Fuhrer’s picture to bed with me and then I felt quite safe.’

Saturday, July 4: [Munich] Tell Herr Hoffman to get a Parteitag ticket for Janos.

Hitler¿s mistress Eva Braun posing with an umbrella

Hitler’s mistress Eva Braun posing with an umbrella

Hoffman, who used to employ Hitler’s mistress Eva Braun, recalls Hitler raving about Unity, calling her the personification of perfect German womanhood – ‘a fact which drew from Eva Braun many acid comments.’

Monday, July 20: [Hitler has invited Unity to the Wagner opera festival.] Arrive Bayreuth 9.55. The Arents meet me with car. Find Mary [Woodisse]. All visit the Fuhrer in his house. It is wonderful to see him again. Sit with him in garden about 2.15-2.45. ‘Parsifal’ begins 4. 1st pause [interval] 6-7. The FUHRER appears at window of opera, sees me & smiles. 2nd pause 9-10.

The FUHRER comes into restaurant & sits at long table. He sends for us. We sit right next to him. Arents drive us home. Fuhrer’s car takes us to dinner with him. We tidy & go. I sit opposite the Fuhrer, next to Goebbels. After dinner we sit & talk. Home in Fuhrer’s car about 1.15.

Tuesday, July 21: ‘Lohengrin’ starts 4. Pause 5-6.15. I sit at the Fuhrer’s table in the restaurant. Diana arrives. 2nd pause 7.30-8.45. We sit again at the FUHRER’s table. Opera ends about 10. The Fuhrer leaves about 12 & invites us on to his house. I sit with him & the Goebbelses. [Hitler] tells me I can’t go to Russia. He tells us who is to be ambassador [Ribbentrop is the new ambassador to Britain.] Home in his car 2.15.

Wednesday, July 22: Invitation from Rib. To tea with him in his villa. We sit & talk about politics. Home in his car. Find invitation from the FUHRER. He sends his car. Dress quickly. To his house 8. None of the others dressed. Dinner there with him & Goebbels’s & Frau Wagner & 4 Wagner children & the others. The Fuhrer is fascinating about his childhood, & other things, & the Jews. Home in his car about 1.30.

Afterwards Winifred Wagner remarks to her daughter that Unity’s ‘too naive for the position of Hitler’s wife.’

Friday, July 24: ‘Die Walkure’ begins 4. 2nd interval about 7.30-8.30. We sit at the FUHRER’S table. He invites us on afterwards. Dinner with the FUHRER. Wagners there, & Goebbels’ & the usuals. The Fuhrer lends us coats to go home in. I sit in his coat, & his place in car. Home 1.

Sunday, July 26: Tea with the Fuhrer & the Goebbels’s & the usuals. Diana & I & the Fuhrer walk round the garden discussing the plan. He shews us Wagner’s grave. He is very funny later on. Home in his car about 1.

Curse [period].

The ‘plan’ is that Diana’s lover, Oswald Mosley, wants to launch a commercial radio station broadcasting from Germany to Britain. Hitler will give it the go-ahead in 1938, but war intervenes before it can be launched.

All four episodes of the Daily Mail's new podcast, Hitler's English Girlfriend: The Secret Diary of Unity Mitford, are released today

All four episodes of the Daily Mail’s new podcast, Hitler’s English Girlfriend: The Secret Diary of Unity Mitford, are released today

Saturday, August 8: [Berlin] Beakfast. They all congratulate me[it’s Unity’s 22nd birthday]. I am told I am to go to the Reichskanzlei 8. So happy.

The Fuhrer comes about 9. We have dinner. I am the only guest. The Fuhrer is so pleased about the successes in the Games [Berlin Olympic Games]. We sit & talk a bit afterwards, then we see ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ [Ronald Colman]. The Fuhrer is so sweet the whole evening. I give him the photos of us at Bayreuth. Frau Dr. [Magda] comes in & talks a few minutes. A wonderful birthday evening. Frau Dr. & I leave 1.

Thursday, August 13: Drive to Goring’s about 8, alone. A terrific party. All to circus in other part of the garden. Then to dancing. Home 1.30. [Goring is renowned for his lavish parties. This one features four bands, a fun-fair, the Berlin Opera ballet corps and a shooting range with a car as first prize. However, Goring’s massive ego and habit of wearing make-up strike Unity as ridiculous: she calls him ‘Girling’ in her letters.]

Friday, September 11: [Nuremberg rally] Kongresshalle 10. Tom & Diana & Mary & I sit in 3rd row. The FUHRER sees us & smiles. Home. Find Janos in our room.

All stand in boiling sun 4-5.15 to see the FUHRER drive by. Zeppelinwiese, arr. 7. The FUHRER arrives 8.30. [Then] 180 Flak Scheinwerfer make a tent of blue light [Hitler stands under the beams of 180 searchlights]. Music. The FUHRER speaks. A most beautiful speech.

Unity and Diana are frustrated at not being able to meet Hitler. Unity tells a friend there: ‘The Fuhrer’s staff hate us. We can’t get near him here.’

Erna Hanfstaengl recalls: ‘[Unity] was deeply hated by the party. Jealousy, of course. She was more prominent than some German leaders and they could not forgive that.’

Saturday, September 12: SS sing & play band during dinner. Putsy does handies [Hitler’s foreign press secretary gets a bit physical with Unity].

Monday, September 14: Vorfuhrung der Wehrmacht [military review] begins 2. Very wonderful. I sit next Frl. Braun. Ends about 6. Bus to Kongresshalle. The FUHRER makes a most wonderful speech. All cry during Deutschland [Uber Alles] & Horst-Wessel-Lied. He looks at me very seriously going out.

For reasons of his own, Hitler has arranged to have Unity seated next to his mistress Eva Braun. Princess Carmencita Wrede, recalls: ‘[Unity] was always badgering me, ‘What does [Eva] have that I don’t? How does she do it?’ There was a proper rivalry between them.’

Friday, September 18: [Austria]. I write to the FUHRER. [Janos & I] read pornographic Yiddish jokes after dinner.

Monday, September 21 [Visiting Budapest with Janos] Tea in garden of [a] palace, lovely view. Argue about N-S [National Socialism] with a Lippe.

Prince Lippe-Biesterfeld later rails against the Nazis to Unity in Berlin, when she’s seated next to him at a dinner party. He and his wife are arrested 48 hours later – probably because Unity’s denounced them.

‘Everybody knew that if you ran into Unity, you had to be careful. She was a very dangerous woman,’ recalls Paul Wallraf, also at the dinner.

Sunday, October 4: [Munich]. Out on to Konigsplatz, listen to the FUHRER’s speech.

On this day, Oswald Mosley leads a huge march of Blackshirts through the East End of London, which ends in violence. Unity writes to Muv a few days later: ‘I was very disappointed to miss the big fight with the Jews [on] Sunday, it must have been swell. The Fuhrer said it reminded him so of the time when he was struggling for power.’

Monday, October 5: Arrive Berlin. Breakfast with Frau Doktor & Maria. All start for town 11.15, knock over girl cyclist on way. Frau Dr [Magda Goebbels] & Maria [Joseph Goebbels’s sister] & I to bookshop for Diana’s [wedding] present.

The following day, in the presence of Hitler, Diana marries Oswald Mosley. All guests are sworn to secrecy. Diana’s wedding present from Hitler is a portrait of himself, framed in silver. The Goebbelses give her Goethe’s works, bound in pink calfskin.

Tuesday, October 6: In car to Kaiserhof [hotel] 12 to pick up Leader [Mosley] & Bobby & Bill [British fascists Bobby Gordon-Canning and Bill Allen].

We 4 to Hermann Goring Str. The FUHRER & Doktor [Goebbels] arrive 12.30, & Wiedemann [adjutant to Hitler]. The Standesbeamter [registrar] performs the marriage ceremony. Bill & I witnesses, all sit & talk afterwards, then Frau Dr & I drive to Schwanenwerder [the Goebbels’s lakeside home], the others follow, the Fuhrer last. Lunch there. Maria [Goebbels] also there.

We all sit & talk afterwards, then a dolmestcher [interpreter] arrives & the Fuhrer & the Leader go & talk alone. They return. The Fuhrer leaves about 4.30. Diana & I go & pack. The Leader is unkind. [Diana later recalls the quarrel may have been over her own admiration for Hitler.]

Friday, October 16: [England] Muv Nancy Decca Blor & I to town hall to hear Mr Emmot’s [Charles Emmott, Tory MP] speech on Foreign Affairs. I interrupt. Home. Quarrel with Nancy [about Nazism].

Saturday, October 24: Nancy comes to lunch, I lunch alone in Closing Room. [Mitford term for room where Farve often closes his eyes.] I return when Nancy goes.

Unity’s no longer speaking to Nancy, as she opposes Nazism.

Wednesday, November 11: Blor & Debo & I bus to Trafalgar Sq, walk down to Cenotaph for silence. Mary & I motor to Selfridges. Shop. Do record of our voices.

Mary Ormsby-Gore recalls: ‘She took me to Selfridges, saying, ‘Let’s make a record’ and she spoke into it, ‘The Yids, the Yids, we’ve got to get rid of the Yids’ – and there’s my voice protesting in the background.’

Thursday, December 3: The King [Edward VIII] & Mrs Simpson in papers for first time.

Friday, December 4: Marble Arch 7.30. Meet Decca there & join [anti-abdication] demonstration for the King. All march to Buckingham Palace & cheer & sing. March to Downing Street.

Thursday, December 10: Farve gets me into Strangers Gallery [House of Lords]. Session begins 3.45. House crowded. Lord Halifax reads the King’s letter of abdication. He then speaks, then Lord Snell, Lord Salisbury, Lord Crewe & the Archbishop of Canterbury. In car to Peter Jones.

Unity whispers to a person sitting next to her: ‘Oh Hitler will be terribly unhappy about this – he wanted Edward to stay King.’

Thursday, December 17: Diana tells Muv she is married.

  • Sources for notes include Unity Mitford – A Quest by David Pryce-Jones. The Mitfords – Letters Between Six Sisters, edited by Charlotte Mosley. Valkyrie: Gender, Class, European Relations, And Unity Mitford’s Passion For Fascism, unpublished thesis by Kathryn Steinhaus. Take Six Girls by Laura Thompson. Wait For Me, Memoirs Of The Youngest Mitford Sister, by Deborah Devonshire.
  • All four episodes of Hitler’s English Girlfriend: The Secret Diary of Unity Mitford are available now. 
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Skokie water main break update: Boil order for Skokie, Evanston water enters 2nd day as crews work on repairs

Latest News on Skokie Water Main Break: Skokie and Evanston Residents Advised to Boil Water as Repair Efforts Continue for Second Day

SKOKIE, Ill. (WLS) — Crews are still working to repair a massive…
Letitia James Steps on Multiple Rakes in Wild Rant Against Trump, Musk Over DOGE

Letitia James Criticizes Trump and Musk for their involvement with DOGE and makes a series of mistakes.

New York Attorney General Letitia James spoke outside of a federal court…