It’s hard to believe, but Monday night marks the season premiere of Season 29 of ABC’s “The Bachelor.”
The latest “Bachelor” looking for love is New Jersey native Grant Ellis, a day trader and former basketball player.
Entertainment reporter Joelle Garguilo sat down with Ellis to talk to him about the latest season and what to expect.
Joelle Garguilo: How has this ride been?
Grant Ellis: It has truly been a significant journey filled with ups and downs, emotions, and joyful moments. The ladies on this season have been amazing to work with.
Garguilo: You want to get married, you want children?
Ellis: Absolutely, without a doubt. I strongly believe that my life story and experiences have shaped my unique identity and cultural heritage, which I hope to pass down to my children.
Garguilo: Your questions in the first episode were spot on, so I’ll turn the tables. What is something that holds great importance and meaning in your life?
Ellis: Something that is very important to me is you have to… selflessness honestly. I think that’s something that in a relationship, you have to think about your partner, but then you also have to think about yourself. So, finding a balance of that is important.
Garguilo: Watching the first episode, I will say, I really think that we got to know you through a number of things. One would be the actual first rose that you handed out, which was to whom?
Ellis: That was to my grandmother. So, my grandmother, shortly after the episode, she passed away. The first episode is dedicated to my grandmother, you know. So, she is somebody who taught me the foundation of who I am and the foundation of who my mom is, ultimately, that’s who taught me, you know, how to be, and that’s who raised me. So, I love my grandmother very much.
Garguilo: What’s the best thing about being the “Bachelor?”
Ellis: The best thing about being a bachelor, honestly, I think, in my opinion, is being able to have your story told and being vulnerable and people seeing that. You know, a lot of things that are important being a man. A big thing is being vulnerable and being able to express your feelings, but also being strong at the same time.
Garguilo: Can we finish this line for me? I came into “The Bachelor” looking for… and I left with…
Ellis: I came into “The Bachelor” looking for love and I left with self-discovery.
Garguilo: Getting to know Grant, extrovert or introvert?
Ellis: I’m an introvert but give me a glass of wine and I’m an extrovert.
Garguilo: Red or white wines.
Ellis: Red wine.
Garguilo: Kissing on the first date. Yes or no?
Ellis: Yes.
Garguilo: Biggest red flag in terms of dating and biggest green flags.
Ellis: Biggest red flag is when somebody talks about themselves too much, just constantly. That’s a red flag. Biggest green flag is somebody who’s really attentive and they notice the little things.
Garguilo: Are you engaged?
Ellis: I can’t say, I can’t say.
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