Should Taylor Ann Green Leave ‘Southern Charm’ For ‘Southern Hospitality’? Emmy Sharrett Would “Love” To Have Her!

Emmy Sharrett is gearing up for an eventful third season of “Southern Hospitality,” centered around her long-term relationship with Will Kulp. In a recent episode of the “Southern Charm” spinoff, Kulp confessed to speaking poorly about Sharrett to strangers at Republic, attributing his behavior to the stress of law school. Though her co-stars are unaware of this incident so far, Sharrett revealed that Kulp owned up to his actions immediately, not months later as portrayed on the show.

“If Will was truly the person that he’s being portrayed to be, I would never be with him,” Sharrett added.

Addressing the cheating rumors hinted at in the Season 3 preview, Sharrett dismissed them as baseless and asserted her zero-tolerance stance towards infidelity. She also dispelled the notion that she ignores such accusations in hopes of marrying into wealth and attaining a certain status as a lawyer’s wife.

“I’m not dating Will for a different social class. I am in that social class,” Sharrett clarified.

On a brighter note, Sharrett discussed Taylor Ann Green’s recent guest appearance on “Southern Hospitality” with DECIDER and shared her thoughts on the possibility of Green transitioning from “Southern Charm” to their show.

“I think Taylor’s kind of had a hard time on reality TV. I think Southern Hospitality would be a little kinder to her. She is definitely closer in age to all of us,” she said. “I would love to have Taylor on the show. But I don’t know if Taylor’s five-year plan is to get on another reality TV show.”

Check out the rest of our interview with Sharrett below for more on her iconic meltdown at Republic, her friendship with Maddi Reese, and her inspiring wellness journey.

DECIDER: I’m loving Season 3 so far and I’m really glad that you and Maddi have repaired your friendship. How were you guys able to get back to that good place?

EMMY SHARRETT: I think I have to give Michols a lot of credit for why me and Maddi got back to a good place. When we were at the reunion in New York and we wrapped the reunion, I actually was in my changing room, and Maddi came into the changing room and gave me a big hug. And we kind of cried a little bit and we were like, “I’m so sorry. I want to put this all behind us. I missed you.” And it was a really sweet moment that we had, and we kind of just moved on from there. And then next thing I know, she’s dating Joe Bradley.

At the same time, Michols is really close with me and Michols is really close with Maddi. So there were a lot of times that Maddi would call him and be like, “What are you doing?” He’s like, “Oh, I’m with Emmy.” She was like, “Oh, okay. Do you and Emmy?” And there’d be times where I’d call Michols and be like, “What are you doing?” And he’s like, “I’m with Maddi.” And I’m like, “Oh, okay. Do you and Maddi?” And we just organically started hanging out a lot more and going to events together and stuff. And she really kind of became one of my closest friends during the season. 

I like seeing you guys together, you’re a dynamic duo!

We are good friends. I think I’ve said this, but underneath everything that happened last summer, before we went through all that BS, there was a real friendship underneath there. I do have a lot of love for Maddi. 

'Southern Hospitality'
Photo: Getty Images

I get kind of a new year, new you type of vibe this season. You’re in the gym, you’re not drinking, you’re doing cold plunges and saunas, which is amazing. What made you want to embark on this wellness journey? 

Will’s first semester of law school, we had just gotten back from New York, and it was Sept, 30. He was like, “I’m going to go sober until my last final,” which was Dec. 7. And I was like, “Oh, my God, this is a great idea. I’ll do Sober October, and if I like it, I’ll continue to do it with you until Dec. 7.” I did Sober October. And then I was like, “You know what? I’m going to keep doing this and be a little support system for Will.” And also, this is really good for myself to do a little reset. I got through November and then I was like, “Oh, my God, I’m never going to drink.”

All the benefits, my sleep, the way I felt when I woke up — it was just better. It was getting better every day, every day, every day. And I was like, “I’m not going to give this up.” Ironically, it was Will being like, “I’m going to go sober to focus on school.” And I was like, “I’m going to join you.” And now it’s been 15 months since I drank, and it’s been awesome. I’ve always been really athletic. I played sports all of high school. I think when I started dating Will, I started drinking and eating a little more, but I was always a little bit of a workout girlie going to hot yoga and F45. But no, I really just dove into it. I thought, “You know what? I used to play high school sports. I had pre-season and we would do two-a-days. I can work out for more than 40 minutes a day.” And I’m like, “I want to see what I’m really made of.” So I pushed myself a little bit. And I was like, “Dang, I’m a little bit of an athlete. I’m here for it.”

Now that you don’t drink anymore, do you find yourself leaning more on Maddi since she’s the only other person in the group who’s sober?

It’s definitely really nice when Maddi [and I] go out to know that we’re both ordering mocktails. She’s obviously sober, but Maddi is very good at going out and partying. Maddi [and I], on our cast trip, we were the last ones to go to bed. We were up until 5:30 in the morning together, because you get this random surge of energy after all these months, like when you were a kid. And it’s crazy because you forget it because it’s been so long since everyone first started drinking when they were probably in ninth or tenth grade. And so for me, it’s been so long, since middle school. And I’m like, “Wow. I haven’t felt this way since I was 12.” So it’s great having Maddi by my side. And she really validates a lot of how it is when you’re sober. It’s almost harder to control your emotions, and you feel everything, and you can’t really have a drink to chill out. You feel everything in that moment, and you go through it, and it’s a lot harder than people realize. So she was really helpful with, “Why am I freaking out now that I’m sober, Maddi? Why can I not put a cap on some of my reactions?” And she’s like, “Dude, I get it.” So it was really nice having her in that regard. 

Well, you’re inspiring me to restart Dry January. Shifting gears a bit, there was some online chatter after you and Will missed the Southern Hospitality premiere and he deactivated his Instagram. What’s it like to have to constantly be defending your relationship when fans read into every little move you make?

It’s funny because there’s probably less than an hour in total of my relationship that viewers have seen, but they think they’ve been with me for 1,000 days I’ve dated Will. It is hard. Just for backstory: Will deactivated his Instagram in August. We had just wrapped filming, school was about to start, and he wanted to focus on school. He went sober that first semester. This second year of law school for a semester, he wanted to get rid of social media, no distractions. And obviously the show wasn’t airing. Nothing was going to be online for the first semester. So it really was for his mental health, and now it’s especially for his mental health. It consumes you. I get tagged in a bunch of stuff, and Will needs to focus on school. He finished in the top 10% of his class, and he made law review, which is huge. Will is crushing it. He’s a smart little lawyer man. So school definitely comes first for him right now. And social media is at the very bottom of his list. 

'Southern Hospitality'
Photo: Getty Images

I want to talk about this week’s episode. In that scene where you and Maddi are drinking non-alcoholic rosé, we really see Maddi contemplate whether she should tell you about the things Will said at Republic. Do you fault her for not telling you right away? Or do you understand why she didn’t?

No. In last week’s episode, you see Siobhan talking about how Michols told the girls, “Do not talk about this. This is none of your business.” I think a lot of people have a lot of respect for Michols, so when he told them not to talk about it until the cameras came around, they didn’t talk about it. I don’t fault Maddi. We’re also just rebuilding our friendship. I don’t think Maddi owes me. She does not need to be the person that has to … that is not who I’m expecting to do that for me. So no, I did not expect her to do anything.

This rant that Will had has been a big talking point in the last few episodes. According to your co-workers, he made comments about your body and said some other not so nice things. As we know, you’re still together. How did you work through that with him? And was he the one to eventually own up to it or did you end up hearing from someone else?

Will told me himself. My friends didn’t tell me.

I was hoping for that. I was hoping he was the one who told you.

Yes. And it was when it happened, not these months later when my friends bring it up to me. A lot of what the viewers are going to see, a lot of what they’re speculating and a lot of what’s going around about Will not caring about me, Will just looking like a dick … if Will was truly the person that he’s being portrayed to be, I would never be with him. He would never be invited on ski trips with me and my family. I would not be dating him. I’m with Will and his family every other week. I was just at his parents’ house two days ago. We are very close, and we worked through a lot of our things as a couple. I think our friends not being on the inside and knowing every minute of our relationship might irk them. But for me, I’m at the point where I’ve dated Will for three years. That’s my relationship with Will. He might have involved other people but I will not be involving other people.

What did you think about Will saying “venting about your spouse is good for your mental health” in this week’s episode? Do you agree?

Yes, I do. But to a therapist. I agree. Venting is good. But maybe to people that aren’t your castmates, and maybe to people who don’t have the biggest mouths in Charleston. I think venting is definitely good. I call my mom and I talk to my mom all the time. I just think that it was an unfortunate moment where there was a lot of stress with school going on, a bunch of stress. Will also broke his ankle over the winter. He had to get surgery and had a plate and six screws put in, and he was in a lot of chronic pain. There was a lot going on in his life. So I think sometimes your life is really hard, you take it out on the people closest to you, and you don’t mean what you say. I think it was one of those cases. People aren’t as forgiving and don’t like to always see the circumstance for what it is. 

One last question on this topic. We see even more accusations hurled at Will and what he had allegedly been up to at law school in the Season 3 open. What can you say about those rumors and how that will play out?


'Southern Hospitality'
Photo: Getty Images

Good! I love you guys as a couple. 

I just want to put it out there: I have broken up with every man I have ever dated. I would never put up with a cheater. Never, ever would I put up with that bullshit. Goodbye. And second, I’m not dating Will because I’m expecting some plush, trust fund baby that’s going to give me some lavish lawyer’s wife where I get to be a pilates mom. Not that I’m against it. But Will has taken student loans out, tens of hundreds of thousand dollars in student loan debt. He doesn’t have all this money. It’s not his, it’s his parents. Will is on his own. I grew up very privileged myself. I’m not dating Will for a different social class. I am in that social class. There’s no other way for me to put it. There’s this whole narrative that I’m some ditz that doesn’t care that Will is a cheater and that I just want his money. And I’m like, “I have the money.” 

It’s funny, I’m like, “Will, where’s this money that you’re hiding? Everyone’s saying you’re a trust fund. Where’s this money? Because I haven’t seen it. Your mom hasn’t seen it.” We make humor out of it. But Will is my best friend. This season is definitely really rough for us, but as far as the cheating rumors go, bullshit. Absolute bullshit.

I was hoping so. Now, obviously, Maddi and Joe are together this season. We see in the trailer that they supposedly got married in Vegas. Did it make you and Will want to tie the knot sooner? Do you guys have a timeline for an engagement?

I know it seems like I eat, sleep, breathe talking about getting pregnant and getting engaged. I swear to God, I don’t. I swear to God that at every meal, I don’t sit down saying, “When are you going to impregnate me? When am I gonna get a ring? Where is it?” No. I think the reason why there is such a plan … the viewers always see, “Oh, there’s this five-year plan.” The reason why there’s a plan is because Will’s in school. Will has a three-year plan. It makes no sense for us to get engaged right now. It makes no sense for us to get married right now. He’s in the middle of his second year of law school. What makes the most logical sense would be to get engaged within this year and then Will to graduate law school next year and then get married when he moves back and buy a house. It makes the most financial sense. We talked about it over New Year’s Eve actually. We talk about how when he graduates law school, he’ll take the bar, a certain date before he starts his job … we talk about it because there’s only going to be a small period of time where Will isn’t in law school and doesn’t have a law job where he won’t be stressed, where I can be like, “We’ll have a stress-free wedding.” Will and I do talk about it, but I don’t know if Maddi and Joe’s wedding in Vegas was what spiked the conversation. But it’s going to be really entertaining for everyone to see it, because it was awesome.

Obviously Joe and TJ’s friendship is still strained at this point in the season. Since you’re close with TJ, did you always know that he had feelings for Joe? And what did you make of the whole sleepover incident that occurred between them a few years ago?

I was really close with TJ. I want to let Joe and TJ explain that one. I know Joe explains the incident. They’ll explain it. But Joe and TJ have always had a friendship there. It’s unfortunate that everything played out the way it did. But I think the viewers will definitely get the most insight coming from Joe and TJ on that. I wasn’t around at that time when this all went down. So I can’t actually give direct insight on it. But TJ and Joe will probably have pretty much similar stories on it. 

'Southern Hospitality'
Photo: Bravo

I want to get into the whole store credit debacle. You obviously had a really big reaction, which will probably go down in history as one of Bravo’s most iconic meltdowns. Looking back, would you have handled it any differently? And do you think Will could’ve been there for you more in that moment?

Oh, my God. So I was sick with strep throat. I was up all night before that shift until three in the morning crying in Will’s parents’ house, having the worst time ever. Will was just taking care of me. I just felt like I had knives down my throat. He gave me two NyQuils at three in the morning. And then the next morning, the filming crew came and we filmed at Will’s parents’ house. I’m crying. I’m hot and cold. I’m losing it. I don’t want to go to work. And then I’m like, “You know what? It’s fine. I’m just going to go to work.” And I put on my big girl pants, and I go to work. And that’s why I’m leaning against the bar in that scene and I give Will a thumbs up at the bar. He’s making sure I’m okay because I had been feeling really sick. I was not okay.

And then Siobhan happens. When you’re sick and you’re hot and you’re cold and you’re coming off not one, but two pills of NyQuil, I could not put the cap back on that lid once that happened. Yes, I think I overreacted. Yes, I think it was highly inappropriate for me to act like that at work. But I also think it was highly inappropriate for Siobhan to sit me down and accuse me of that in the middle of our shift. I think you ask me to coffee, girl. I think this was very inappropriate because regardless of the outcome, it was going to be a reaction. Let’s say,  if I did do it, there’s going to be a reaction, and if I didn’t do it, there’s going to be a reaction. And that’s not okay at work. And it’s my fault for reacting. But I mean, these girls, I love them to death. And so for them to accuse me of something that awful, which I didn’t do, I actually posted the receipts on my story the other day. 

You go, girl.

I was like, “Here’s my credit card that I used for the dresses. Goodbye.” Since I know all the Bravo people out there love the receipts and the timeline and all of the above.

When I was freaking out and crying, Will was like, “So, you didn’t do that?” As the viewers probably thought as well, “Why is she reacting like that if she’s not guilty?” So Will, from afar, didn’t know what was going on, saw me hysterically crying with Siobhan, and he’s confused. He’s like, “Okay, so you didn’t do that? If you didn’t do that, then why are you freaking out like this?” It was more of a confusion on his part, and immediately, when we made eye contact, I was like, “What, Will?” He was like, “I didn’t mean that!” I’m like, “I don’t want you to get involved in my work drama. I do not need this. You are going to try and do well, but you’re already cross-examining the situation, and I don’t need my boyfriend getting involved in work drama. So we can move on from this.” But he just didn’t know why I was reacting like that if it wasn’t true. It just came off as bad.

It came off very lawyer-y of him to say it like that..

Yeah. That’s why I was just kind of like, “Law school’s over right now. We’re on summer break.”

'Southern Hospitality'
Photo: Bravo

I know Southern Charm’s Taylor Ann Green is good friends with a lot of the Southern Hospitality crew and she even appeared in last week’s episode. I sometimes wish that she could make the jump to your show. Would you be in favor of that?

I love Taylor. Taylor’s boyfriend was roommates with TJ. I think they just moved out in September. But they were roommates for a year and a half. And I love Taylor. I think Taylor’s kind of had a hard time on reality TV. I think Southern Hospitality would be a little kinder to her. She is definitely closer in age to all of us. I think Taylor’s only 30, so she’d fit right dab in the middle. I love Taylor. She actually literally just texted me. I’ve been supporting her new clothing brand, Reset Athleisure, so we’ve been texting some. But I would love to have Taylor on the show. But I don’t know if Taylor’s five-year plan is to get on another reality TV show.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Southern Hospitality airs Thursday nights at 9/8c on Bravo. New episodes are available to stream the next day on Peacock.

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