The latest movie starring Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon, titled You’re Cordially Invited, is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. This film brings a special surprise for fans of the Jonas Brothers and Creed, as Nick Jonas makes a cameo appearance in which he sings Creed’s “With Arms Wide Open”. It’s definitely an unexpected treat for viewers.
You’re Cordially Invited is written and directed by Nicholas Stoller, known for films such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Neighbors, Bros. The movie follows Ferrell’s character, a caring single father, who is determined to host the perfect wedding for his daughter. However, things get complicated when he discovers that the venue has also been booked by Reese Witherspoon, who is planning her sister’s wedding. The two parties agree to share the space, leading to conflicts and challenges.
Amidst the chaos, Nick Jonas makes his entrance in the movie as Pastor Luther, a charismatic minister set to officiate the wedding of Witherspoon’s on-screen sister, Neve, to her fiancé Dixon. From the moment he appears on screen, Pastor Luther exudes an air of self-importance and laid-back vibes. It’s pretty clear that he’s the kind of person who would seize any opportunity to grab a microphone and belt out a Creed tune.
And that’s exactly what he does. After his obligatory “this is a good-looking crowd” comment, Jonas launches into a quick rendition of Creed’s hit power ballad from 1999, “With Arms Wide Open.”
He only sings a few bars (“Welcome to this place, / I’ll show you everything, / with arms wide open.”) but he still manages to nail lead vocalist Scott Stapp’s signature raspy drawl. Unfortunately, that’s all we get to hear, because shortly after the dock where the ceremony is taking place collapses into the lake. A sopping wet Jonas stomps off, furious, lamenting, “I didn’t get to do my second song!”
Believe me, Nick, we’re disappointed, too. But hey, at least we got this cameo that is specifically for the Venn diagram of people who love both Nick Jonas and Creed. That overlap is bigger than you’d expect.
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