Next month, a Texas court will review the request from Suzanne Simpson’s husband, who is the prime suspect in her disappearance and death, to dismiss his murder charge.
Suzanne Simpson, a 51-year-old mother of four, vanished on Oct. 6, 2024, following an altercation with her husband, Brad Simpson, of 22 years, outside their home in Olmos Park near San Antonio. Authorities allege that Brad caused Suzanne’s death intentionally on or around Sunday, Oct. 6, according to official records.
At a court session on Wednesday, Steven Gilmore, the legal representative for Brad Simpson, asserted his belief that there is adequate evidence to support the plea to invalidate the indictment for murder, tampering with evidence, and illegal possession of weapons lodged against Brad, as reported by KENS5.
“I would just ask for a hearing on that within 30 days,” he said.
Simpson remains in Bexar County’s jail with bonds totaling $3 million and a federal hold by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for the weapons charge. His attorney could not be reached for comment.
Fox News Digital’s Mollie Markowitz contributed to this report.