The popular series The Night Agent on Netflix had an exciting second season, featuring the dynamic duo of Peter Sutherland (played by Gabriel Basso) and Rose Larkin (played by Luciane Buchanan) teaming up once again to tackle thrilling challenges. Season 2 introduced intriguing new characters like Noor (played by Arienne Mandi) and concluded with an intense finale that will leave viewers eagerly anticipating a Season 3. Following its release, the show quickly rose to become Netflix’s top TV series. Despite its success, Season 2 was not without its flaws, one of which was the lack of screen time for fan-favorite Brittany Snow.
When it was announced that the talented 38-year-old actress known for her roles in American Dreams, John Tucker Must Die, Hairspray, Prom Night, Pitch Perfect, Someone Great, and many other films and TV shows would be joining the cast of The Night Agent Season 2, fans were thrilled by the possibilities this presented. The anticipation of seeing Snow in this new role was high, and the potential for her character to bring a fresh dynamic to the series was exciting to contemplate.
Before the premiere of Season 2, little was known about Snow’s character in The Night Agent. However, as viewers tuned in, they discovered that she would be partnering with Peter on a covert Night Action mission in Bangkok, Thailand. The added twist of their characters posing as a couple added an interesting layer to their dynamic, hinting at potential romantic developments. Despite the initial excitement this brought, the season took an unexpected turn that left fans reeling. But before delving into that shocking twist, let’s take a moment to appreciate the positive aspects of the season.
Season 2 opens with Peter and Alice (Snow) holding hands while deep in conversation. As they get up and take a stroll, their natural chemistry makes you wonder how their romance started, but once they see a target (Teddy Sears) ahead of them checking for tails, Alice encourages Peter to “keep up the honeymooners act” and lets us know they’re in this for business, not pleasure. (Fine by me! I love a good platonic pair!) Less than five minutes into the episode, three things are abundantly clear: Alice is calling the shots. Peter trusts her with his life. And I can’t wait to see where the season takes this new dynamic duo.
The Night Action agents follow their guy a bit longer, keeping up the flirty banter along the way, but when he meets with someone they don’t recognize, they go their separate ways and communicate through ear pieces. Much to my dismay, before they reunite again, the mission goes wrong and Alice is — wait for it — KILLED! 10 MINUTES INTO SEASON 2! WHO ON EARTH MADE THIS DECISION, I JUST WANT TO TALK!
“I have a problem with #NightAgent already. How can you kill off Brittany Snow within 10 minutes….like how!?!” a fan of the series asked on X. “Was excited to watch Night Agent season 2 bcs of brittany snow.. then she was only in it for few minutes…. disappointed,” another viewer wrote.
After BARELY overcoming my outrage, confusion, straight-up annoyance over The Night Agent depriving us of more Peter and Alice, I had a thought. SURELY we’d see flashbacks to Peter’s first Night Action mission and learn more about what he’s been up to since Season 1 and his time with Alice that way, right? Right — except instead of multiple flashbacks over the course of the season or one super satisfying flashback episode, Snow only returned in the Season 2 cold-open for less than two minutes. The Night Agent, I need you to be SO serious right now…
On my quest to see if anyone else was upset about Snow’s premature departure from the series, I learned that she initially read for the role of Rose. Though Luciane Buchanan landed the part, creator and showrunner Shawn Ryan was such a fan of Snow’s audition that he made sure to include her in the series another way. Love that! I just wanted more, sir!
Despite the limited screen time, Snow proved that Alice was a badass agent with serious skills and a heck of a personality, which is why I was so excited to see her live up to her potential. It’s rare to get attached to a character so quickly, and while I’m glad that Peter and Catherine (Amanda Warren) honored her throughout the season, I was still left unsatisfied.
Look: I know we saw Alice get shot. I know we watched her fellow Night Action agents spread her ashes. But also, find a way to bring Brittany Snow back in Season 3?! And if not, please don’t hurt me like this again, Shawn Ryan.
The Night Agent Season 2 is now streaming on Netflix, and here’s what we know so far about Season 3.
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