USPS has been blasted for its desperate last ditch attempt to fix weeks-long delays as workers say it will “make more problems”.
A unique job fair is being organized by a mailing company to increase its workforce in Indianapolis, causing frustration among other postal service employees who are anxious about potential layoffs.

The Indianapolis USPS is seeking to recruit mail handlers for their upcoming facility; however, current workers are apprehensive that the new hires may not be adequately trained for the role.
The postal service are looking to fill “all” positions.
As the company searches for more staff, fears also loom from current workers that USPS will let as many staff go “as they hired”.
In response to the concerns raised, the USPS Indianapolis released a statement emphasizing the aim of the job fair, stating: “Our objective is to enhance the reliability of our team by offering employment prospects within the nation’s most reputable governmental agency.”
Steve Vaughn, who represents the Central Indiana Postal Workers Union told WRTV “we are the most trusted government agency in the country” but then began to express doubts on the job fair.
For months, the broadcaster has reported unbelievable delays and missing packages within the USPS system.
And many claim that low staffing, or a lack of training, plays a big part in the huge problem.
Vaughn believes it shouldn’t be about the number of people you hire, but the quality of those people.
He said: “If you don’t know how to fix the equipment, how are you going to gt the equipment to run properly?”
“When they’re hiring people that have no skills, then you start having other issues.”
WRTV also met with a representative who oversees postal workers unions across the country.
And he said that they too have been seeing issues with the new distribution hubs like Indianapolis – but across the whole of the US.
Despite doubts, Vaughn still believes that the post office can be a great place to work if the right people are hired with the correct skill set.
He added: “You can throw all the people in there you want, but if you don’t train them and give them the tools and empowerment to do the job, other things have to be done to correct that problem.”
If your mail is delayed or you aren’t receiving it at all, according you USPS, you should first check the status with USPS Tracking.
Then you should complete an online Help Request Form.
From there you can submit a Missing Mail Search Request.