A tragic incident unfolded in Ohio, resulting in the death of a 4-year-old girl and critical injuries to a police officer during a confrontation with a suicidal man.
The police officers encountered the man walking down a street around 2 p.m. and attempted to engage him in conversation. However, the man quickly resorted to gunfire, injuring one officer in the head. Tragically, a stray bullet struck the young girl while she was at a nearby business.
Both the injured officer and the little girl were promptly airlifted to hospitals. The officer underwent surgery at a Pittsburgh hospital and was listed in critical condition following the incident.
The girl was pronounced dead at the hospital, the department announced at 6 p.m.
The man police were called about was also hit by gunfire. Officers administered first aid before medics arrived and took him to a hospital. His condition is not known.
It’s not clear who fired the shot that killed the little girl. St. Clair Township police have asked the Ohio Bureau of Investigation to investigate the shooting.