Cal Hales and Jordan McHenry Hales, 2021 | Jordan McHenry Hales and Cal Hales, 2022 | Source: |

Jordan McHenry Hales shared on her TikTok that she, unlike most women, had found a different way to becoming someone’s wife. In a video that featured her and her son, the social media user revealed that she was once single and 20 weeks pregnant with the boy.


The woman confessed that she had no idea how she’d raise her son, Linc, alone, as that was never the plan. What she didn’t expect to happen was for someone from her past to reach out to her during that trying time.

Her high school ex-boyfriend and now her husband, Cal Hales, surprised her by asking her if she wished to go out on a date with him, despite being pregnant with someone else’s child. Someone curiously asked Jordan what had initially caused her and the ex to break up.


The mother of one revealed that “nothing bad” had happened between her and her ex-boyfriend. Instead, the couple ended up in different places in their life journeys after he graduated from high school a year before her.



The path to marriage for the couple was swift, including her former ex-boyfriend being with her when she gave birth. Social media users couldn’t help but acknowledge what a great father Jordan’s husband was to his stepson.

Tying the Knot, Giving Birth, and Celebrating Their First Wedding Anniversary

After a heavily pregnant Jordan agreed to go on a date with her ex-boyfriend, it was like the pair had never been apart! A month after rekindling their love, the couple was engaged, and maybe they didn’t want anything to come between them because they rushed to get married.


The duo tied the knot a few weeks after their engagement, and Jordan shared their gorgeous wedding photos online. Since she was still pregnant when they married, she wore a white dress that showed off her baby bump, reminding her partner that she was carrying another man’s child.

When Jordan finally needed to give birth, her husband proved himself worthy once more by being by her side! In her clip, the mother of one showed off professional images of her small happy family, which included their son, and wrote:

“How we became a family!”


In a follow-up TikTok clip on March 13, 2022, Jordan shared a video of her husband bonding with his stepson on their first wedding anniversary. They celebrated by watching Netflix and having takeout after bedtime because the little boy was sick with the flu.


In April 2022, Jordan re-recorded Cal and her son, and the video was shared on her TikTok account. She revealed that the pair were “besties” as her spouse swung the growing boy up and down and elicited happy squeals from him!


A fan wrote that it was “destiny” and Jordan’s former ex-boyfriend was “meant to be that baby’s dad.” As expected, some social media users didn’t think it was right for Linc’s mother to marry her so quickly and criticized them.

Jordan’s Marriage Judged, Leading Her to Speak Up

By March 2022, Jordan’s crazy story, from singlehood to marriage, had been picked up by the media. The New York Post shared a Facebook article about the story that elicited lots of differing opinions from social media users.


Someone responded to the post saying they were curious to know if Linc’s birth father would be in his life or if they would tell him that Cal was his “real father.” The person warned the couple against lying because they felt they had a way of coming back to haunt people, while another critic wrote:

“Never date a single mom unless last resort.”



A third follower thought it was a “weird thing to be proud of” to be pregnant with another man’s child and get married to your high school ex. Even though Jordan clearly stated that Cal was the one who suddenly reached out to her, another person speculated:

“She found a baby daddy to pay the bills…”

A fan's comment on the New York Post's Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales' marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man's child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post

A fan’s comment on the New York Post’s Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales’ marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man’s child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post


A fan's comment on the New York Post's Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales' marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man's child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post

A fan’s comment on the New York Post’s Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales’ marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man’s child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post

Someone else said he felt “bad” for the man now with Jordan. A New York Post Facebook account follower joked about the couple “fooling” around and finding themselves in love!


A fan's comment on the New York Post's Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales' marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man's child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post

A fan’s comment on the New York Post’s Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales’ marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man’s child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post

A fan's comment on the New York Post's Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales' marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man's child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post

A fan’s comment on the New York Post’s Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales’ marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man’s child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post


On July 16, 2021, Jordan had gotten tired of all the judgments and criticism she and Cal got for their unconventional love story and posted an explanation to her followers. Linc’s mother shared that getting married while six months pregnant with her son had nothing to do with her having a desperate “shotgun wedding.”


The mother of one revealed that she and Cal tied the knot because they were “in love” and didn’t want to wait to be married. The TikTok clip she uploaded that day had her explanation written over it while a fast-forwarded video of Jordan talking played in the background with no sound.

Judging by the image and the look of absolute joy on his [Cal Hales] face, it seemed he and Jordan [McHenry Hales] would be fine.

A fan's comment on the New York Post's Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales' marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man's child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post

A fan’s comment on the New York Post’s Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales’ marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man’s child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post


On both Jordan and Cal’s Facebook pages, the pair shared images that showed how happy they had been since getting married. In July 2021, Linc’s stepfather uploaded the cutest family photo of him, his wife, and his son posing together when the boy was still a newborn.

A fan's comment on the New York Post's Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales' marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man's child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post

A fan’s comment on the New York Post’s Facebook post about Jordan McHenry Hales’ marriage to Cal Hales while pregnant with another man’s child on March 22, 2022 | Source: Facebook/New York Post


Jordan showed off what her son looked like at six months old in December 2021 and revealed she couldn’t believe he was hers! In the image, little Linc smiled broadly as his mother laughed while looking down at him during the photo shoot.


In January 2022, the couple was still happily together as Cal shared a picture of them posing with their son outside a building. Jordan’s husband didn’t seem like he could get enough of his stepson and shared a picture of him holding the boy up in the air in March 2023.

Judging by the image and the look of absolute joy on his face, it seemed he and Jordan would be fine. Little Linc appeared joyous in his stepfather’s arms and reached out to touch his mouth as he flew in the air and relished the moment outdoors.

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