The woman decided to move out of her house but she realized she didn’t have a penny. She rummaged through her mom’s jewelry box and found what she thought was the least expensive ornament and walked off with it.


As humans, all of us make mistakes, and occasionally, there are instances where a second chance is what we need to make things right.

But at times, it can be pretty hard to give someone that second chance, as proven in Redditor throwaway160672’s story on the “AITA” subreddit.

The post’s author turned to the forum’s random strangers for moral judgment after stealing her mom’s most prized possession that she mistakenly thought was the least expensive.

Out of desperation, OP found her last resort in her mom's jewel box. | Source: Shutterstock

Out of desperation, OP found her last resort in her mom’s jewel box. | Source: Shutterstock


The 18-year-old Original Poster (OP) said it wasn’t the first time her mom told her she didn’t want her in the house. However, it finally dawned on OP after her mom walked into her room at an “unfortunate” time. She saw OP and her girlfriend together and instantly lost it.

In an instant, OP connected a couple of dots and realized why her mom was so sensitive about the ornament.

After OP’s mom shouted at her that night, things took a dramatic turn. OP thought it was enough and packed all her stuff to leave for her girlfriend’s place. Just then, OP realized she had no money and found her last resort in the jewelry box where her mom had heaps of unused and expensive ornaments.


OP was furious with her mother & in the heat of the moment, she packed her bags to leave. | Source: Pexels

OP was furious with her mother & in the heat of the moment, she packed her bags to leave. | Source: Pexels

OP’s ongoing friction with her younger brother and mother made it evident that she couldn’t ask them for money. She felt lonely, homeless, and broke, so she rummaged through her mom’s jewelry and found an expensive gold and gem-encrusted bracelet.


Since OP was sure her mom never wore the piece and hadn’t mentioned it before, she decided to melt it down or sell it to make some money. After meeting several buyers, OP learned it was a 14K gold bracelet encrusted with a diamond. She sold it for $450, and with that, in addition to her savings, she was able to buy her necessities and a computer for work.

After rummaging through her mom's jewelry box, OP took a gold bracelet. | Source: Pexels

After rummaging through her mom’s jewelry box, OP took a gold bracelet. | Source: Pexels


A few months later, OP’s mom unexpectedly showed up at her office and made a scene about the missing bracelet. In an instant, OP connected a couple of dots and realized why her mom was so sensitive about the ornament. It turned out that the bracelet was given to OP’s mom by her mother, who died when she was 16.

OP knew she’d messed up and immediately owned up to stealing the jewelry. Her mom turned away and walked off, but OP knew it wasn’t the reaction she’d envisioned.

The real bomb dropped on OP the next day when she rummaged through her emails. Her mom’s lawyer had sent a complicated email threatening legal action. Although OP knew she was wrong, she tried to rationalize her urge to steal the ornament.


“I honestly think that given the situation, my stealing it was kind of justifiable,” she stated as she asked Reddit to judge her morally. To her horror, the judgment was swift and intense.

OP's late grandma had given the bracelet to her mom. | Source: Pexels

OP’s late grandma had given the bracelet to her mom. | Source: Pexels


In the post’s top-voted comment, Redditor moongirl12 lashed out at OP, stating, “Theft is theft…You don’t get to try and avoid responsibility.”

While most flocked to the thread and called out OP, Redditor GlaxenFlux put things into perspective for her. The person explained that OP’s mom didn’t kick her out, but it was she who voluntarily moved out.

“You didn’t steal out of desperation. You stole because you could rationalize it because your mother screamed at you,” the person said, adding:

“You committed a crime you’re trying to justify with selfish reasoning…Not to mention it’s going to cost you way more than you got for it.”


Meanwhile, others like user superfastmomma launched into full-on rants and affirmed, “You cannot take things that aren’t yours. Period. That’s stealing. That’s illegal.”

People reminded OP that her mom didn't kick her out but she was the one to move out. | Source: Unsplash

People reminded OP that her mom didn’t kick her out but she was the one to move out. | Source: Unsplash


After rummaging through the insightful feedback, OP agreed that the verdict was crisp and clear. Although she admitted she wasn’t worried about the emails and was sure her mom wouldn’t dare to sue her, OP returned with an important update on her issue.

“After a few hours of walking around and arguing with old guys, I got the bracelet back… I let my mother know,” she revealed.

In the end, OP retrieved the gold bracelet & informed her mom about it. | Source: Pexels

In the end, OP retrieved the gold bracelet & informed her mom about it. | Source: Pexels


Questions to Ponder:

Would you forgive your child if they stole a precious heirloom from you?

When the mom found out OP had stolen the bracelet she got from her late mother, she confronted her and immediately sought legal help and threatened to sue her. Would you press charges against your child/relative if they rob a most prized possession from you?

Would you steal from your parent and justify that you did it out of desperation?

OP claimed that she didn’t know the bracelet was highly sentimental and precious to her mother when she took it. She also asserted that given her helplessness, her theft was justifiable. However, fellow Redditors disagreed and stated that what OP did was unacceptable and illegal regardless of her situation. Would you steal a precious possession from your parents and justify your actions, or would you regret doing it?


If you liked reading this story, here’s one about a 91-year-old marine who survived surgery and identified the thieves who robbed all his money & important documents while he was unconscious.

All images are for illustration purposes only. Would you mind sharing your story with us? It might inspire & change someone’s life. If you’d like to share your story, please send it to



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