Work buddies Patrick and Steve are discussing what lures women—money or love—when the hot debate turns into a bet. Patrick has to seduce the blind girl he meets at a cafe, but just as he gets close to winning the bet, the unthinkable happens.


It was a beautiful, sunny day as customers poured in and out of the cafe, where Steve and Patrick often grabbed their lunch.

The two friends ordered their usual sandwiches and settled at a small table near the window to enjoy their midday break…

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“Don’t you think you’re forgetting something?” Steve snapped at Patrick. “I saved you again from getting busted!”

“Can I just eat my lunch in peace?” Patrick replied, unbothered.

“Really? You’re giving me that after I stopped your Dad from whipping your butt?” Steve fumed.

“Fine. I owe you one. Happy? Now shut up and let me have my lunch.”

“Why can’t you just stop hanging with girls when the entire team is in a meeting? I literally went blank when they asked where you were!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“Well, are you jealous?” Patrick smirked. “It’s not my fault if I’m a chick magnet!”

“Oh, don’t you give me that!” Steve grumbled as he chugged his coffee. “Those chicks are attracted to your ‘Daddy’s’ money. If I had all that cash in my pockets, I’d show you exactly how you pick up a girl!”

“Well, if you really think so…” Patrick said seriously. “Let’s make it a bet, then.”

“We switch places, OK? You get my cash and cards, and I live your mediocre life. Whoever seduces a woman first wins. And trust me, the one who is more charismatic will win here. Not the one with money.”


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“We’ll see that, mate,” Steve smirked. “Tell me, what do I get if I win?”

Patrick grinned. “You’re asking the wrong question. You should ask, ‘What if I lose?’ Well, the one who loses climbs on the conference table during our meeting with the management, takes off his pants, and yells, ‘MONEY IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS WORLD!'”


Steve scoffed. “Nah, that’d mean risking my job,” he said. “You can afford it because your dad’s the CEO. I need more motivation to take the risk, my friend.”

Patrick smirked. “My car. You always wanted it. You can have that! Cool?”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“OK! Done!” Steve laughed, leaning forward.

“Now, check out the table next to us,” he said. “You go for the brunette, and I go for the blondie. What do you think?”

Patrick was confused as he looked at the adjacent table. “What do you…”

“I take that as a yes. Watch me!” Steve winked.

Before Patrick would react, Steve was gone.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“Hello there, ladies!”

Steve confidently approached the ladies at the next table and introduced himself.

He got them drinks, then started giggling and conversing with them as if he’d known them for ages.

“I’m Judy,” the blond woman introduced herself. “And that’s my friend, Christine.”

“Oh, I’m here with a friend, too,” Steve said. “That’s my friend! Hey, Patrick!”

Steve waved his hand, gesturing at Patrick to join them.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“My dad is the richest businessman in the town, and Patrick works for my dad. So…what were you saying? You guys are from Italy?”

“Yes, Italy!” Judy smiled. “We are here for another two days before we return to our hometown. We really had fun touring this place, but we still have a lot to see and don’t have enough time on our hands.”

“There’s something about Italian women, I must say. You’re just stunning…” Steve commented out of nowhere.

Judy blushed at Steve’s remarks, and Patrick was getting jealous, watching his friend inch closer to winning the bet.


So Patrick jumped at the chance to flirt with Christine.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“I must say, you’re gorgeous,” he told her.


Christine’s cheeks turned bright red at Patrick’s compliment.

“Oh! That’s…That is very sweet of you,” she said. “You must be a wonderful person, too. If only I could see you…”

“I bet you could if you took those shades off,” he laughed.

She paused nervously. “Actually…” she hesitated. “I’m blind, Patrick.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Christine’s revelation made Patrick go pale. He exchanged a glance with Steve that said he literally wanted to run.

“No backing out at this point, mate,” Steve sarcastically whispered into his ears.

“Oh, well, that’s…” Patrick stammered. “I mean, I’m sorry, I had no idea. Can we do something to help you navigate around here?” he asked, trying to win Christine over.

“I would love to help out, too,” Steve chimed in, strengthening his own game. “Patrick and I were born and bred here, and we know this place better than anyone else.

“You’re only here for a few days, and we could give you a tour around town. But only if you like it, girls.”


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Umm, that’s a brilliant idea!” Judy chirped. “What do you think, Christine?”

“If it’s not too much trouble…Yeah, that would be nice!”



That night, Judy had a great time with Steve. The night sky shimmered with stars as they went around the city hand-in-hand, laughing and living the moment.

They clicked pictures, kissed under the moonlight, and almost forgot they’d accompanied Patrick and Christine.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Steve wouldn’t stop cracking his lame jokes, and Judy, being the fun-loving, hopeless romantic she was, succumbed to Steve’s smile.

Meanwhile, Christine struggled not to blush as Patrick led her by the arm as they strolled under the flickering street lights.

The cold breeze made her shiver, and she scooted closer to Patrick.

“It’s a bit cold today, isn’t it?” she shyly said, squeezing his arm.

“Yeah, it is…”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“So, what are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?” she asked him.

“Ah, nothing much,” Patrick responded dryly. His gaze was fixed on his phone.

“I kinda hate everything…” he said.

“Oh!” she paused for a moment.

“I actually enjoy art and visit art galleries when I have time,” she told him.

“Well, whatever…”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Patrick hated spending time with Christine. He thought she was dull and not his type.

So he responded to her dryly and coldly, even ignoring her at points until Steve sent him a selfie of him kissing Judy on the cheek.

Patrick snapped to the moment as he realized they had made a bet.

He hurriedly tried to kiss Christine, but she didn’t even respond to him.

Patrick felt very awkward, so he tried to change the topic and seem interested in her. “So…when did you have it…I mean, were things always like that?” he asked.


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Have ‘it’?” she asked. “I don’t get what you’re saying…”

“I mean, were you not able to see anything from birth?”


“Actually, I…”

Christine was cut off as Steve and Judy ran up to them.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“Hey, guys! Steve and I are going for a ride across the city,” Judy said.

“Christine, you and Patrick can go to an art gallery. Steve just told me the galleries here are really fun!”

Christine was feeling very strange. “Judy, can I please speak with you for a moment?” she said.

Christine took Judy to the side.

“Look, I don’t feel safe with Patrick. I don’t want to be stuck with him. He’s weird and rude! I want to go back to the hotel.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Judy was excited to tour the city with Steve. She felt terrible that Christine would be left alone, but she didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity with Steve.

So she talked Christine into visiting the art gallery with Patrick.

“He’s just a bit awkward,” she said. “And you have my number. Call me if you feel uncomfortable, and I’ll be right there, OK? C’mon, give him a chance!”

Christine shook her head, knowing it was a bad idea.

But she didn’t have a choice.

She didn’t want to be left alone when she’d come to this city to have fun and decided to visit the gallery with Patrick.


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Patrick and Christine made their way through the crowds of people and the sounds of chatter as Patrick inquired about the painting Christine really wanted to see.


“There’s a waiting line for it, sir,” the gallery assistant said. “And you’ll need to go to the fourth floor. An hour…that’s the least you’ll need to wait.”

But Patrick didn’t have the patience.

“No way am I going to wait for that long!” he thought, an idea brewing at the back of his mind. He led Christine to the first painting in the room.

“And we are finally here!” Patrick exclaimed, his voice brimming with joy.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Christine was over the moon as she listened to the painting’s audio guide, and her dislike for Patrick gradually faded.

She could hear the sound effects of the phone game he was playing, and she knew he wasn’t interested in the painting, but he was there. With her. Beside her.

And he had brought her to the gallery to show the painting she had been waiting for for years.

Christine closed her eyes and imagined the artist recreating the artwork on a blank canvas.

She could see the painter’s smooth brush strokes across the blank sheet, painting some parts thicker than others.


She smiled as the artwork was completed. Then the loud voices of others around her distracted her.

Why were these people talking about the wrong painting?

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Christine’s brows furrowed as she listened to them talk. She opened her eyes and took off her headphones.

“Patrick, take me to the hotel! Now!”

He looked up from his phone.

“But it’s just been 10 minutes since we got here! You were so excited about this!”

“I was such a fool! This is not the painting I wanted to see!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“But what’s the difference…”

Patrick began defending himself, but Christine was having none of it. “TAKE ME BACK, OR I’LL WALK ALONE!”

Patrick caved in and took Christine back to her hotel. He was about to follow her inside, but she said she wanted to be alone.

That night, Steve texted Patrick to say he’d had a fantastic time with Judy. Patrick was furious because he thought he had destroyed everything for himself and would lose the bet at this rate.

But an idea struck him when Steve told him he was going on a date with Judy the next day.


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Patrick accompanied Steve to the hotel where the girls were staying.

“She doesn’t want to see you,” Judy told Patrick as she came out of her room.


“Give me the keys to her room. I’ll talk to her…”

“I don’t think that’s a great idea, Patrick,” she replied, crossing her arms. “She just wants to be alone. I don’t think she’ll be happy to see you.”

“I’ll decide that for myself. The keys,” Patrick said, holding out his hand. “Please.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Judy sighed and shook her head. “Good luck, but you better not hurt her again!” she said as she and Steve left for their date.


Patrick saw Christine all by herself in the room, packing her luggage, as he walked in.

“Hey…I wanted to apologize for yesterday…”

“Patrick?” Christine turned around at his voice. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“Judy gave me the keys. I…I wanted to make it up to you for yesterday…” he started, but she cut him off.

“OUT! I’m not interested in your apology!”

“Look, I’m very sorry, Christine,” he said, blindfolding himself. “I was a fool to hurt you. I want to share your experiences and live my life your way. I don’t want you to feel like you’re different from us. I want to take you out on a walk, and I’m not going to remove the blindfold from my eyes. I want to be in your shoes.”

“Those words will not change my mind, Patrick! You better leave!”

Right then, Patrick screamed.


“What…What happened?”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“OK, well, at the very least, you can help me! I’m not that horrible! Oh, shh…ouch…ouch…Not again!” he shouted in pain as he bumped his toe again into the table.


Christine burst out laughing as she pictured him bumping into random things in the room. Her anger was fading.

She agreed to go out for a walk with him, and this time, she guided Patrick by holding his hand and using her walking stick.

“Oh no! Watch out!” she cried, pulling him back in time as he was about to walk onto the busy street.

“The signal just turned green! Do you not love your life?” she gasped.

Patrick’s heart thumped in his chest as he heard the blaring of the horns and the sounds of vehicles speeding up and down. He could have died!


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“How…How did you know? I mean, it was all so quiet. I couldn’t even guess!” he panicked.

“Instincts,” she calmly said. “You need to trust your instincts. By the way, you can stop getting nervous,” she laughed. “Your palms are sweating. I can’t see, but you’re more terrified than I am!”


She then let go of his hands and took off his blindfold.

“Oh, watch out!” he cried as he pulled her closer, and they both tumbled to the ground, Christine on top of him.

“That roller skater almost hit you!” he said, helping her stand up.

“You know, it was my dream…” she said sadly as he dusted her dress. “If only I could…Anyway, none of that matters now. Does it?”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“If it was your dream, it does matter to me. Let’s make it a reality!” Patrick said.

Patrick took Christine to a roller skating rink and began teaching her how to move on wheels.

“Yes, yes, perfect…Oh no, be careful!” he laughed. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, and his hands were on her waist as they moved together on the skates.

“You’re a fast learner!” He complimented her. “It took me longer to figure it out. You’re doing great!”

“As long as you have a good teacher, you can learn anything, can’t you?” she said.


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Patrick found himself smiling again, but it was from the bottom of his heart this time.

Something had tugged at his heart, and he didn’t know what it was, but he wanted time to freeze.


Right then, a buzz of his phone jolted Patrick out of his thoughts, and he saw it was a text from Steve.

“Judy’s at my house. The trophy’s mine xD”

“One second, I’ll be back,” Patrick told Christine as he quickly typed a text.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“Better luck next time, mate. Guess who’s falling for me? Tonight, Christine will be where all my exes have already been. Can’t wait for it ;-)”

Patrick sent his and Christine’s selfie in response to Steve and Judy’s and slipped the phone into his back pocket.

The two couples decided to go to the movies together that evening. While watching the movie, Patrick described the events to Christine, although they could use the audio description service.

Patrick insisted he wanted to make it up to Christine for the last time. So they sat close together, Patrick whispering the movie’s events into her ears to not disturb the crowd around them.


Whenever he got too close, she giggled, and Patrick’s cheeks turned hot and crimson each time.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

As the movie ended, Christine hugged Patrick, saying she had spent one of the best days of her life with him. Then she asked if he could show her the city at night. She had always wanted to see it but had never had the chance.


“Yeah, sure. Let me just check—” As Patrick turned around to check on Judy and Steve, he saw them kissing passionately.

The only thing that crossed Patrick’s mind then was the bet.

“I know just the right place where we could watch the city at night,” he told Christine, eager to win the bet. “Let’s make your wish come true!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Patrick took Christine to the 29th floor of his father’s corporate headquarters.

As they stood on the terrace, watching the city life at night, he back-hugged her, her locks in the wind gently stroking his face.

The night breeze was chilly and fragrant with love. The skyscrapers and buildings seemed like tiny, lit halogen lamps, while the night sky dotted with stars served as the audience for their romance.

“This is beautiful,” she whispered as he described the view. “I can’t believe I’m finally getting to see this…”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Christine gently turned around, her fingertips tracing Patrick’s face. The next moment, she was lost.

Her heart was racing as their lips touched. Her palms moved away from his face and wrapped themselves around his neck.

Patrick’s arms tightened around her waist.

Christine could feel his body brushing against hers and found herself getting breathless. But she didn’t want to stop, and neither did he.

The next thing Patrick and Christine knew, they were on the couch, lost in each other’s embrace under the moonlight. She could feel his cold, tender skin on hers. He was delicate and gentle, and their souls were becoming one.


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Thank you for everything,” she whispered into her ears, her body wrapped around him. “I thought you were like one of those other guys…stupid, spoiled, ordinary. But you’re special. And you made me feel special.”


That night, Christine dozed off in Patrick’s arms.

Patrick took out his phone and captured them together in a shot. He couldn’t take his eyes off the photo. She looked stunning.

The next morning, Christine was the first to wake up, and she gently kissed Patrick before stepping into the shower and getting ready.

Patrick and Steve escorted their two-day girlfriends to the airport as it was time for the girls to leave…

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Steve promised Judy that he would visit her sometime soon, but Patrick could not bring himself to part with Christine.

“Do you really have to leave? Why not move here? I want to be with you forever,” he said, pulling away after a hug.

“It’s all about just…one night, Patrick,” she said. “You can’t ask me to leave everything behind for that.”

“But it was a special one,” he corrected her. “Please. You can take as much time as you want. I’ll wait.”

“Our lives are very different, Patrick,” she said. “You have no idea what it’s like to have me around you all the time. It may not always be rosy. I have to go. I appreciate you making me feel special.”


“I’ll do anything,” he said, holding her hands. “Please. We’ll consult the best doctors and schedule surgery if it’s about your eyes. I don’t want to lose you when I’ve barely found you. Please don’t leave me.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“You deserve better,” she said with a smile, letting go of his hands. “And I know you’ll find her. Sooner or later. You’ll always have a special place in my heart, Patrick. Remember that.”

Patrick held her close and kissed her for the last time. Then she was gone, out of his sight and the world he knew.

“Well, take a look at what I’ve got!” Steve showed a photo of Judy in bed. “So…do you accept the defeat, or…you got something?”

“Nothing,” Patrick said, shaking his head sadly. “I barely had the chance…We—We didn’t have anything like that between us.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Steve laughed. “And there you go, mate…I won! This world revolves around money! I knew it!”

“Seems like it. You can have my car,” Patrick said, his eyes fixed on the airport gate through which he had watched Christine disappear.

A few days later, it was time for the meeting with the management. Patrick was supposed to be sitting at the conference room’s round table, but he was nowhere to be found.

Steve texted him: “Don’t be a d***, Patrick! Did you forget you need to give everyone a performance xD? You better not skip this meeting! I’m going to kill you!”


“Good morning, everyone,” Patrick’s father entered the room, but Patrick was not with him either. “I’d like to inform you that Patrick is no longer employed by our company. Please avoid discussing the company’s plans with him in the future. Now…let’s get this meeting started.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“What? He left the company?” Steve wondered.

Right then, Steve’s phone buzzed with a notification, and a message appeared on his screen.

Steve found himself laughing as he clicked open the message to read it. Inside was a photo of Patrick and Christine hugging each other next to the Roman Colosseum in Italy.

The next thing Steve knew, he jumped up on the conference table, took off his pants, and yelled, “MONEY IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS WORLD!”

What can we learn from this story?

  • Money can buy material pleasures, but not love, for love, is earned, not bought. Although Patrick and Steve’s bet was ridiculous, it taught Patrick that money didn’t matter when you loved someone with all your heart. After Christine leaves him and returns to Italy, Patrick realizes he can’t live without her. He quits everything and moves to Italy to start fresh.
  • When you look beyond a person’s physical appearance, you appreciate them for their real self. Patrick was a spoiled man who thought women wanted him for money. When he meets Christine, he believes he can convince and manipulate her easily and win the bet. When Christine throws him shade for disrespecting her, Patrick feels guilty. He realizes he needs to appreciate her for who she truly is.


Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a poor wife who is shocked to receive a call from Vegas police after her husband wins a $500,000 lottery and disappears with the money.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to


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