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At a briefing this morning Tom Tugendhat, the Tory leadership candidates, said that he felt “like a prom queen” because he was being wooed by rival candidates who want his support. He secured 37 votes yesterday, but is not expected to get through to the final shortlist of two.


Explaining why he was still in the race, he said:



I offered to serve, and that’s what I’ll do, and it’s up to others to decide whether or not they they wish to have me. That’s, I’m afraid, how democracy works. But I don’t quit.



This is from the FT’s Sebastian Payne, who was there.


Not a campaign launch but @TomTugendhat is hosting a Westminster equivalent of Reddit’s Ask Me Anything. Thankfully, there’s air con and Diet Coke on ice (TT is drinking full fat Coke) pic.twitter.com/IOcI4zOiMB

&mdash; Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) July 14, 2022


In a video Tugendhat has also confirmed that he wanted to increase defence spending to 3% of GDP. But he did little to quash claims that the Ministry of Defence squanders resources when he revealed that, because he got issued with so many socks when he was as a soldier, he still only wears army socks. (He became an MP in 2015.)


Did I mention I was in the army?

I've received hundreds of questions from Conservative members over the last few days.

Here are the answers to some of them. #ACleanStart pic.twitter.com/ma8kCZ0HAn

&mdash; Tom Tugendhat (@TomTugendhat) July 14, 2022

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Voting has just started in the second round ballot for the Tory leadership contest. It closes at 1.30pm, and the result is due at 3pm.


This is from Esther McVey, on her way to vote. She backed Jeremy Hunt in the first round, because he offered to make her deputy PM, and she does not say in her video who she is backing now.


Voting begins in the next round to find the new leader of the Conservative Party and the country’s next Prime Minister pic.twitter.com/0Y06hkXUM2

&mdash; Esther McVey (@EstherMcVey1) July 14, 2022

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On the basis of last night’s first round results, the Liz Truss campaign is floundering. This morning she really needed something quite remarkable to give it a jump start. This launch didn’t deliver.


In presentation terms, she sounded less slick than Rishi Sunak and less personable than Penny Mordaunt. She did not tell us anything about herself that we haven’t heard before, and (like some of the other candidates) she tried to get away with taking as few questions as possible.


But the main problem was the lack of definition. Truss has the support of Boris Johnson loyalists in the party and in the media (especially the Daily Mail), but it feels as if all the candidates in this contest can’t yet work out whether they are supposed to be praising Johnson and his legacy, or rubbishing him. Rishi Sunak resigned from Johnson’s cabinet last week with a letter denouncing him, but on Tuesday was telling us what a splendid fellow he was. Truss has been running as a Johnson loyalist, but in her Q&amp;A today it was repeatedly put to her that this was problematic. “I’m a loyal person,” she replied, half-convincingly. But she sounded less warm about him than Sunak was two days ago. If she is running as continuity Johnson, she should be willing to talk up his campaigning strengths and tie herself firmly to his 2019 red wall-focused electoral mandate.


Truss stressed her experience, particularly as international trade secretary signing post-Brexit trade deals and as foreign secretary opposing Russia. (“I would continue to lead the free world in opposing Putin,” she said, a touch hubristically.)


But, on domestic policy, her platform was threadbare. The bonanza of extravagant tax-cutting pledges that marked the opening stage of campaign seems to be over and – like Penny Mordaunt at her launch yesterday – Truss had little to say on that subject this morning. She proposed tax reforms to help parents, echoing a proposal Mordaunt made yesterday. But the main problem was that, having effectively denounced government economic policy over the past 12 years as a failure – “We cannot have business-as-usual economic management which has delivered low growth for decades” (see 10.07am) – she did not say what she was going to do about it beyond promising “bold supply side reform”, which could mean anything.

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Truss says she wants to see defence spending rise to 3% of GDP by the end of the decade.


The free world did not spend enough money on defence, she says.


It is vital that Russia is defeated in Ukraine, she says.

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Q: Some say Penny Mordaunt is now the best candidate for the right. Shouldn’t you back her?


Truss stresses her record, saying she delivered dozens of trade deals and produced the Northern Ireland protocol bill. She says she has “a record of delivery”.

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Truss is now taking questions.


Q: The two candidates ahead of you in the contest either resigned from Boris Johnson’s cabinet [Rishi Sunak] or never served in it in the first place [Penny Mordaunt]. Is Johnson’s tacit support the kiss of death for your campaign?


Truss ignores the question completely, and stresses her desire to unite the party and deliver.


Q: Why didn’t you resign from his cabinet?


Truss replies:



I’m a loyal person. I’m loyal to Boris Johnson. I supported our prime minister’s aspirations.


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Liz Truss says we are at a critical moment for our country.



Now is the time to be bold. We cannot have business-as-usual economic management which has delivered low growth for decades.



And we need to win the fight for freedom around the world, she says.



I will campaign as a Conservative and I will govern as a Conservative. I can lead, I can govern, and I can get things done. I am ready to be prime minister from day one.


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Kwasi Kwarteng, the business secretary, introduces Liz Truss. He says she has done more than anyone to deliver on the potential of Brexit.

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And here is a full summary of what Rishi Sunak said in his Today interview.



  • Sunak, the former chancellor and Tory leadership candidate, said that “of course” he intended to stay in the UK if he did not become prime minister. The presenter, Justin Webb, asked the question because Sunak had a US green card when he became chancellor, which gives someone the right to work in the US and normally implies a long-term intention to settle there. In response, Sunak said:
  • \n



I was living and working and studying in America at the time but after that I returned to the United Kingdom and decided to try and serve my country as an MP and then in government and now, hopefully, if I’m fortunate enough, as prime minister.




  • He rejected claim his family wealth meant he was not qualified to be PM, because he could not appreciate how people struggle with the cost of living. Asked about this, he replied:
  • \n



I don’t judge people by their bank accounts, I judge them by their character and I think people can judge me by my actions over the past couple of years. Whenever I have needed to step in to support people I have and furlough is a fantastic example of that.



Sunak and his wife are reported to be worth £730m, mostly because his wife is the heiress daughter of a tech billionaire.




  • He said as PM he would maintain the policy of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda. He said:
  • \n



I think it’s absolutely critical that we have control of our borders, and I say that as the child and grandchild of immigrants. This country has a proud history of welcoming people but it’s also vital that we’re in control of who’s coming here.


And, sadly, there is an illegal set of criminal gangs who were causing people to die in pursuit of coming here. We must stop that.




  • He refused to commit to keeping Nadhim Zahawi as chancellor if he became PM. Asked if Zahawi would stay in his post, he replied:
  • \n



It wouldn’t be appropriate for anybody to start talking about all of those things.


If I’m fortunate enough to be elected and selected as prime minister, I will build a team around me that draws on all the talents of our party.





I don’t cut taxes to win elections, I win elections to cut taxes.




  • He said he was the best candidate to beat Labour at the next election. He said:
  • \n



I’m convinced that I’m the best person to beat Keir Starmer and the Labour party at the next election.



That claim is half justified by recent polling from Ipsos Mori, which shows more people think he is likely to make a good PM than they think Keir Starmer is, or any of the other Tory leadership candidates are. But the same poll shows that most people do not have view on Penny Mordaunt yet, and that her net score (people who think she would make a good PM, minus those who think she would make a bad PM), which is -4, is higher than Sunak’s, which is -5.

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  • Sunak played down claims that Sir Gavin Williamson, the former Tory chief whip and former education secretary, is playing a major role in his campaign. Williamson is seen as a devious figure by many Tories, and claims that he has been pulling the strings in the Sunak campaign have been damaging. Sunak said Mel Stride was in charge of the parliamentary aspects of his campaign. He went on:
  • \n



Like all the members of parliament who are on my team, they are talking to colleagues and making the case for my candidacy because they believe that I am the best person to beat Keir Starmer and the Labour party and I’m really grateful for all their support.


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Good morning. Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, is officially launching her campaign for the Conservative party leadership this morning but within the last 24 hours she has probably been revising her script quite considerably. When she started planning her campaign, Rishi Sunak, the former chancellor, was seen as her main rival. But now the main threat is coming from Penny Mordaunt, and Truss will take a swipe at her by implying she does not have the experience to be PM from day one. (Mordaunt has served in cabinet, but as international development secretary, one of the most junior jobs, for about a year and a half, and as defence secretary for less than three months.)


In her speech at the launch, according to extracts released overnight, Truss will say:



I am ready to be prime minister on day one. I can lead, make tough decisions and rise to the moment.



In her speech she will also talk about wanting to make Britain an “aspiration nation” – while also implying that she was educated at a grim comprehensive school in Leeds, which has led to complaints that she is smearing an establishment with a good reputation.


There are two other important developments this morning in the leadership contest, which will see another round of voting start after lunch.



  • Lord Frost, the former Brexit minister, has attacked Mordaunt, saying that she was in practice his deputy in the trade negotiations with the EU last year and that she was not up to the job. He told Talk TV:
  • \n



I felt she did not master the detail that was necessary in the negotiations last year. She wouldn’t always deliver tough messages to the European Union when that was necessary. And I’m afraid she wasn’t sort of fully accountable, she wasn’t always visible, sometimes I didn’t even know where she was. And I’m afraid this became such a problem that after six months I had to ask the prime minister to move her on and find somebody else to support me.



Ex Cabinet minister Lord Frost has &quot;grave reservations&quot; about Penny Mordaunt becoming the next PM.

&quot;I am surprised at where she is in this leadership race. She was my deputy. She wasn't fully accountable or visible. I had to ask the PM to move her on&quot;@JuliaHB1 | @DavidGHFrost pic.twitter.com/fju9f5QguN

&mdash; TalkTV (@TalkTV) July 14, 2022



  • Rishi Sunak, the former chancellor and leadership candidate who came top in the first round of voting yesterday, has given an interview to the Today programme in which he repeatedly sounded evasive. He refused to accept that the government performed a U-turn over free school meals when he was chancellor (even though it did), he refused to say when he realised Boris Johnson was not a good prime minister, and he ducked a question about why he was preparing a campaign website last year. He was also reluctant to discuss what role Gavin Williamson was playing on his campaign, and, when asked if Williamson was a good education secretary, he sidestepped the question.
  • \n


Here is the agenda for the day.


10am: Liz Truss launches her campaign for the Tory leadership.


10am: Tom Tugendhat, another leadership contender, holds a press briefing.


10.40am: Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, holds a press conference where she will publish a new paper on Scottish independence.


11.30am: Conservative MPs start voting in the second ballot for the leadership. Voting closes at 1.30pm.


3pm: Sir Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 Committee, announces the result of the second round leadership ballot.


I try to monitor the comments below the line (BTL) but it is impossible to read them all. If you have a direct question, do include “Andrew” in it somewhere and I’m more likely to find it. I do try to answer questions, and if they are of general interest, I will post the question and reply above the line (ATL), although I can’t promise to do this for everyone.


If you want to attract my attention quickly, it is probably better to use Twitter. I’m on @AndrewSparrow.


Alternatively, you can email me at andrew.sparrow@theguardian.com

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Key events:

Tugendhat says he feels ‘like prom queen’ because rival candidates trying to get his support

At a briefing this morning Tom Tugendhat, the Tory leadership candidates, said that he felt “like a prom queen” because he was being wooed by rival candidates who want his support. He secured 37 votes yesterday, but is not expected to get through to the final shortlist of two.

Explaining why he was still in the race, he said:

I offered to serve, and that’s what I’ll do, and it’s up to others to decide whether or not they they wish to have me. That’s, I’m afraid, how democracy works. But I don’t quit.

This is from the FT’s Sebastian Payne, who was there.

<gu-island name="TweetBlockComponent" deferuntil="visible" props="{"element":{"_type":"model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.TweetBlockElement","html":"

Not a campaign launch but @TomTugendhat is hosting a Westminster equivalent of Reddit’s Ask Me Anything. Thankfully, there’s air con and Diet Coke on ice (TT is drinking full fat Coke) pic.twitter.com/IOcI4zOiMB

&mdash; Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) July 14, 2022


Not a campaign launch but @TomTugendhat is hosting a Westminster equivalent of Reddit’s Ask Me Anything. Thankfully, there’s air con and Diet Coke on ice (TT is drinking full fat Coke) pic.twitter.com/IOcI4zOiMB

— Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) July 14, 2022

In a video Tugendhat has also confirmed that he wanted to increase defence spending to 3% of GDP. But he did little to quash claims that the Ministry of Defence squanders resources when he revealed that, because he got issued with so many socks when he was as a soldier, he still only wears army socks. (He became an MP in 2015.)

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Did I mention I was in the army?

I've received hundreds of questions from Conservative members over the last few days.

Here are the answers to some of them. #ACleanStart pic.twitter.com/ma8kCZ0HAn

&mdash; Tom Tugendhat (@TomTugendhat) July 14, 2022


Voting starts in second ballot for Tory leadership

Voting has just started in the second round ballot for the Tory leadership contest. It closes at 1.30pm, and the result is due at 3pm.

This is from Esther McVey, on her way to vote. She backed Jeremy Hunt in the first round, because he offered to make her deputy PM, and she does not say in her video who she is backing now.

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Voting begins in the next round to find the new leader of the Conservative Party and the country’s next Prime Minister pic.twitter.com/0Y06hkXUM2

&mdash; Esther McVey (@EstherMcVey1) July 14, 2022


James Heappey, the defence minister, Tom Pursglove, the Home Office minister, and Edward Argar, the former health minister, are backing the Liz Truss campaign, the Times’ Steven Swinford reports.

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Liz Truss campaign wins endorsement of three rising Tory stars

Ed Argar, who quit as health minister

James Heappey, defence minister and close ally of Ben Wallace

Tom Pursglove, home office minister

&mdash; Steven Swinford (@Steven_Swinford) July 14, 2022



Liz Truss campaign wins endorsement of three rising Tory stars

Ed Argar, who quit as health minister

James Heappey, defence minister and close ally of Ben Wallace

Tom Pursglove, home office minister

— Steven Swinford (@Steven_Swinford) July 14, 2022

In his Talk TV interview this morning (see 9.20am) Lord Frost, the former Brexit minister, also claimed that Brexit would not be safe in Penny Mordaunt’s hands. He said:

If you are a prime minister you have got to be able to take responsibility, you have got to be able to run the machine, you have got to be able to take tough decisions, deliver tough messages.

Anybody can be photo’d in a video with I Vow To Thee My Country, but it is what you do in practice. Are you able to be tough, are you able to lead, are you able to take responsibility?

From the basis of what I saw, I’m afraid I would have grave reservations about that.

Asked whether Brexit would be safe in Mordaunt’s hands, Frost replied:

I would worry, on the basis of what I have seen, we wouldn’t necessarily get that from Penny.

Simon Clarke, the chief secretary to the Treasury and a Liz Truss supported, posted this response on Twitter.

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Lord Frost’s warning is a really serious one. @Conservatives – and far more importantly our country – need a leader who is tested and ready. https://t.co/zzay5W4Ahj

&mdash; Simon Clarke MP (@SimonClarkeMP) July 14, 2022


Liz Truss’s launch – snap verdict

On the basis of last night’s first round results, the Liz Truss campaign is floundering. This morning she really needed something quite remarkable to give it a jump start. This launch didn’t deliver.

In presentation terms, she sounded less slick than Rishi Sunak and less personable than Penny Mordaunt. She did not tell us anything about herself that we haven’t heard before, and (like some of the other candidates) she tried to get away with taking as few questions as possible.

But the main problem was the lack of definition. Truss has the support of Boris Johnson loyalists in the party and in the media (especially the Daily Mail), but it feels as if all the candidates in this contest can’t yet work out whether they are supposed to be praising Johnson and his legacy, or rubbishing him. Rishi Sunak resigned from Johnson’s cabinet last week with a letter denouncing him, but on Tuesday was telling us what a splendid fellow he was. Truss has been running as a Johnson loyalist, but in her Q&A today it was repeatedly put to her that this was problematic. “I’m a loyal person,” she replied, half-convincingly. But she sounded less warm about him than Sunak was two days ago. If she is running as continuity Johnson, she should be willing to talk up his campaigning strengths and tie herself firmly to his 2019 red wall-focused electoral mandate.

Truss stressed her experience, particularly as international trade secretary signing post-Brexit trade deals and as foreign secretary opposing Russia. (“I would continue to lead the free world in opposing Putin,” she said, a touch hubristically.)

But, on domestic policy, her platform was threadbare. The bonanza of extravagant tax-cutting pledges that marked the opening stage of campaign seems to be over and – like Penny Mordaunt at her launch yesterday – Truss had little to say on that subject this morning. She proposed tax reforms to help parents, echoing a proposal Mordaunt made yesterday. But the main problem was that, having effectively denounced government economic policy over the past 12 years as a failure – “We cannot have business-as-usual economic management which has delivered low growth for decades” (see 10.07am) – she did not say what she was going to do about it beyond promising “bold supply side reform”, which could mean anything.

Liz Truss speaking at her campaign launch.
Liz Truss speaking at her campaign launch. Photograph: Tolga Akmen/EPA

Updated at 11.16 BST

Asked about the Rwanda policy, Truss says: “I completely agree with the Rwanda policy.” She says she has worked closely with Priti Patel, the home secretary, on this.

And that’s it. The Q&A is over.

Truss says she wants to see defence spending rise to 3% of GDP by end of decade

Truss says she wants to see defence spending rise to 3% of GDP by the end of the decade.

The free world did not spend enough money on defence, she says.

It is vital that Russia is defeated in Ukraine, she says.

Q: Lord Frost says Penny Mordaunt is not up to the job. You have worked with her. Do you agree with him?

Truss says she will not be making any disparaging comments about her opponents. The contest shows a broad range of talent. And the party did not get there through identity politics.

Truss says she has ‘record of delivery’

Q: Some say Penny Mordaunt is now the best candidate for the right. Shouldn’t you back her?

Truss stresses her record, saying she delivered dozens of trade deals and produced the Northern Ireland protocol bill. She says she has “a record of delivery”.

Q: How can you be a credible agent of change when you stuck with Boris Johnson?

Truss says she did speak out about the national insurance increase in cabinet. But she is a loyal person. She accepted collective responsibilty.

‘I’m a loyal person,’ says Truss, as she defends her decision not to resign from Johnson’s cabinet

Truss is now taking questions.

Q: The two candidates ahead of you in the contest either resigned from Boris Johnson’s cabinet [Rishi Sunak] or never served in it in the first place [Penny Mordaunt]. Is Johnson’s tacit support the kiss of death for your campaign?

Truss ignores the question completely, and stresses her desire to unite the party and deliver.

Q: Why didn’t you resign from his cabinet?

Truss replies:

I’m a loyal person. I’m loyal to Boris Johnson. I supported our prime minister’s aspirations.

Updated at 10.21 BST

Truss suggest she would offer tax breaks to parents, and people taking time off work to care for elderly parents.

And she says she would like to have lower tax zones in parts of the UK.

She says, as international trade secretary, she delivered trade deals when she was told that was impossible.

She is trusted to deliver, she says.

She says they must level with the public; they will not secure economic recovery overnight.

But she can get the country on an upwards trajectory by 2024.

The Conservatives can win the next election by turning things around.

She will lead a strong and united team.

Let me be clear: Labour are beatable, the Liberals are beatable.

She wants to make the UK an “aspiration nation”. And she will “defy the voices of decline”, she says.

Updated at 10.21 BST

Truss says ‘business-as-usual economic management’ has failed to deliver high growth for decades

Liz Truss says we are at a critical moment for our country.

Now is the time to be bold. We cannot have business-as-usual economic management which has delivered low growth for decades.

And we need to win the fight for freedom around the world, she says.

I will campaign as a Conservative and I will govern as a Conservative. I can lead, I can govern, and I can get things done. I am ready to be prime minister from day one.

Updated at 10.16 BST

Liz Truss launches her campaign for Tory leadership

Kwasi Kwarteng, the business secretary, introduces Liz Truss. He says she has done more than anyone to deliver on the potential of Brexit.

Sunak claims he is candidate best able to beat Labour at next election

And here is a full summary of what Rishi Sunak said in his Today interview.

  • Sunak, the former chancellor and Tory leadership candidate, said that “of course” he intended to stay in the UK if he did not become prime minister. The presenter, Justin Webb, asked the question because Sunak had a US green card when he became chancellor, which gives someone the right to work in the US and normally implies a long-term intention to settle there. In response, Sunak said:

I was living and working and studying in America at the time but after that I returned to the United Kingdom and decided to try and serve my country as an MP and then in government and now, hopefully, if I’m fortunate enough, as prime minister.

  • He rejected claim his family wealth meant he was not qualified to be PM, because he could not appreciate how people struggle with the cost of living. Asked about this, he replied:

I don’t judge people by their bank accounts, I judge them by their character and I think people can judge me by my actions over the past couple of years. Whenever I have needed to step in to support people I have and furlough is a fantastic example of that.

Sunak and his wife are reported to be worth £730m, mostly because his wife is the heiress daughter of a tech billionaire.

  • He said as PM he would maintain the policy of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda. He said:

I think it’s absolutely critical that we have control of our borders, and I say that as the child and grandchild of immigrants. This country has a proud history of welcoming people but it’s also vital that we’re in control of who’s coming here.

And, sadly, there is an illegal set of criminal gangs who were causing people to die in pursuit of coming here. We must stop that.

  • He refused to commit to keeping Nadhim Zahawi as chancellor if he became PM. Asked if Zahawi would stay in his post, he replied:

It wouldn’t be appropriate for anybody to start talking about all of those things.

If I’m fortunate enough to be elected and selected as prime minister, I will build a team around me that draws on all the talents of our party.

I don’t cut taxes to win elections, I win elections to cut taxes.

  • He said he was the best candidate to beat Labour at the next election. He said:

I’m convinced that I’m the best person to beat Keir Starmer and the Labour party at the next election.

That claim is half justified by recent polling from Ipsos Mori, which shows more people think he is likely to make a good PM than they think Keir Starmer is, or any of the other Tory leadership candidates are. But the same poll shows that most people do not have view on Penny Mordaunt yet, and that her net score (people who think she would make a good PM, minus those who think she would make a bad PM), which is -4, is higher than Sunak’s, which is -5.

Polling on Tory leadership candidates
Polling on Tory leadership candidates Photograph: Ipsos Mori
  • Sunak played down claims that Sir Gavin Williamson, the former Tory chief whip and former education secretary, is playing a major role in his campaign. Williamson is seen as a devious figure by many Tories, and claims that he has been pulling the strings in the Sunak campaign have been damaging. Sunak said Mel Stride was in charge of the parliamentary aspects of his campaign. He went on:

Like all the members of parliament who are on my team, they are talking to colleagues and making the case for my candidacy because they believe that I am the best person to beat Keir Starmer and the Labour party and I’m really grateful for all their support.

Updated at 11.18 BST

This is from Newsnight’s Lewis Goodall on Rishi Sunak’s Today interview.

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Sunak’s problems embodied in the IV there.

1)is consistently drawn back to both political association with BJ and economic record
2) can be evasive about both.
3) strongest lines around credibility on tax. Q is whether Tory selectorate wants to hear it/breaks through points 1\\2

&mdash; Lewis Goodall (@lewis_goodall) July 14, 2022


Sunak’s problems embodied in the IV there.

1)is consistently drawn back to both political association with BJ and economic record
2) can be evasive about both.
3) strongest lines around credibility on tax. Q is whether Tory selectorate wants to hear it/breaks through points 1\2

— Lewis Goodall (@lewis_goodall) July 14, 2022

And this is from my colleague Peter Walker.

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That was a pretty tricky R4 interview for Rishi Sunak. Avoided quite a few questions, not least on whether he was shamed into reversing on holiday school meals by Marcus Rashford.

&mdash; Peter Walker (@peterwalker99) July 14, 2022


That was a pretty tricky R4 interview for Rishi Sunak. Avoided quite a few questions, not least on whether he was shamed into reversing on holiday school meals by Marcus Rashford.

— Peter Walker (@peterwalker99) July 14, 2022

Truss to launch campaign for Tory leadership with jibe at Mordaunt, says she is ready to be PM ‘on day one’

Good morning. Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, is officially launching her campaign for the Conservative party leadership this morning but within the last 24 hours she has probably been revising her script quite considerably. When she started planning her campaign, Rishi Sunak, the former chancellor, was seen as her main rival. But now the main threat is coming from Penny Mordaunt, and Truss will take a swipe at her by implying she does not have the experience to be PM from day one. (Mordaunt has served in cabinet, but as international development secretary, one of the most junior jobs, for about a year and a half, and as defence secretary for less than three months.)

In her speech at the launch, according to extracts released overnight, Truss will say:

I am ready to be prime minister on day one. I can lead, make tough decisions and rise to the moment.

In her speech she will also talk about wanting to make Britain an “aspiration nation” – while also implying that she was educated at a grim comprehensive school in Leeds, which has led to complaints that she is smearing an establishment with a good reputation.

There are two other important developments this morning in the leadership contest, which will see another round of voting start after lunch.

  • Lord Frost, the former Brexit minister, has attacked Mordaunt, saying that she was in practice his deputy in the trade negotiations with the EU last year and that she was not up to the job. He told Talk TV:

I felt she did not master the detail that was necessary in the negotiations last year. She wouldn’t always deliver tough messages to the European Union when that was necessary. And I’m afraid she wasn’t sort of fully accountable, she wasn’t always visible, sometimes I didn’t even know where she was. And I’m afraid this became such a problem that after six months I had to ask the prime minister to move her on and find somebody else to support me.

<gu-island name="TweetBlockComponent" deferuntil="visible" props="{"element":{"_type":"model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.TweetBlockElement","html":"

Ex Cabinet minister Lord Frost has &quot;grave reservations&quot; about Penny Mordaunt becoming the next PM.

&quot;I am surprised at where she is in this leadership race. She was my deputy. She wasn't fully accountable or visible. I had to ask the PM to move her on&quot;@JuliaHB1 | @DavidGHFrost pic.twitter.com/fju9f5QguN

&mdash; TalkTV (@TalkTV) July 14, 2022


Ex Cabinet minister Lord Frost has “grave reservations” about Penny Mordaunt becoming the next PM.

“I am surprised at where she is in this leadership race. She was my deputy. She wasn’t fully accountable or visible. I had to ask the PM to move her on”@JuliaHB1 | @DavidGHFrost pic.twitter.com/fju9f5QguN

— TalkTV (@TalkTV) July 14, 2022

  • Rishi Sunak, the former chancellor and leadership candidate who came top in the first round of voting yesterday, has given an interview to the Today programme in which he repeatedly sounded evasive. He refused to accept that the government performed a U-turn over free school meals when he was chancellor (even though it did), he refused to say when he realised Boris Johnson was not a good prime minister, and he ducked a question about why he was preparing a campaign website last year. He was also reluctant to discuss what role Gavin Williamson was playing on his campaign, and, when asked if Williamson was a good education secretary, he sidestepped the question.

Here is the agenda for the day.

10am: Liz Truss launches her campaign for the Tory leadership.

10am: Tom Tugendhat, another leadership contender, holds a press briefing.

10.40am: Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, holds a press conference where she will publish a new paper on Scottish independence.

11.30am: Conservative MPs start voting in the second ballot for the leadership. Voting closes at 1.30pm.

3pm: Sir Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 Committee, announces the result of the second round leadership ballot.

I try to monitor the comments below the line (BTL) but it is impossible to read them all. If you have a direct question, do include “Andrew” in it somewhere and I’m more likely to find it. I do try to answer questions, and if they are of general interest, I will post the question and reply above the line (ATL), although I can’t promise to do this for everyone.

If you want to attract my attention quickly, it is probably better to use Twitter. I’m on @AndrewSparrow.

Alternatively, you can email me at andrew.sparrow@theguardian.com

Updated at 11.28 BST

Source: Guardian

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