A little girl is crying outside a sporting goods store and a passing woman discovers she is a talented skater too poor to buy new ice skates.


Dana Scarsdale noticed that the little girl crying outside Super Sports Store was all alone. She immediately thought the kid was lost and approached her. “Hey sweetie!” she said gently. “Where’s your mom?”

The kid raised tear-filled blue eyes. “My mom’s at home,” she said. “Please don’t tell her I’m here. She’d be so upset!”

Vivian's dream was to become a figure skater. | Source: Pixabay

Vivian’s dream was to become a figure skater. | Source: Pixabay


Dana hesitated. “But sweetie, I’m sure your mom is worried,” she cried.

The child shook her head. “No,” she said. “Mom thinks I’m with my friend Mandy and her mom. She doesn’t know what happened…”

Dana hunkered down to be on the child’s level and asked gently, “Honey, what doesn’t your mom know?”

Never give up on your dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem.

The girl started sobbing again. “I broke the blade on one of my skates,” she explained. “They cost so much! Mom saved up for months and I ruined them.”


“You skate?” asked Dana. “Me too! I love skating. What’s your name?”

“I’m Vivian,” the little girl said. “I want to be a famous figure skater, but I can’t practice without skates. I can’t ask my mom to buy me another pair!

The blade on Vivian's old skates broke. | Source: Pexels

The blade on Vivian’s old skates broke. | Source: Pexels


“Took my birthday and Christmas money out of my piggy bank, but it’s not enough. So I’m going to give up.”

“No,” Dana said firmly. “You are NOT going to give up! Come on.” Dana took Vivian’s hand and led her into the sports store. She called a salesman and asked him to show them skates in Vivian’s size.

Vivian stared at Dana, astounded. “I can’t buy skates!” she cried.

“I know,” Dana said. “So I’m buying them for you.”

Vivian started to cry. She couldn’t believe this kind lady was doing such a nice thing for her. The salesman brought out a pair of skates and Vivian tried them on.


“These are much nicer than mine,” Vivian cried. “We bought my old ones at a second-hand store. I never had anything brand new! All my clothes and everything are second-hand.

Vivian explained that she couldn't afford new skates. | Source: Unsplash

Vivian explained that she couldn’t afford new skates. | Source: Unsplash


“There are five of us, and mom is raising us on her own. I’m the youngest.”

“And you love skating!” Dana said. “Well, tomorrow I want you to come to the ice rink at 10:00 am. I have my beginner students there for morning practice. I want to see what you can do with those new skates.”

Vivian was delighted. She ran home and showed her mom the new skates. “Vivi!” her mom gasped. “These are expensive! We can’t accept a gift like this! We have to give it back.”

The next day, Vivian’s mom took her daughter to the ice rink, took the skates, and gave them to Dana. “Thank you so much,” she said. “But we can’t accept such an expensive gift from a stranger…”


“I tell you what,” Dana said. “Let Vivian use the skates just once and show me what she can do!”

“Oh, please, mom!” Vivian begged. “Please?”

Dana gave Vivian a pair of brand-new skates. | Source: Unsplash

Dana gave Vivian a pair of brand-new skates. | Source: Unsplash


Vivian’s mom hesitantly agreed and watched anxiously as her daughter strapped on the new skates and glided out onto the ice. Then, to Dana’s astonishment, she started to skate like a pro.

Vivian moved like an angel, she was definitely NOT at beginner’s level! Dana was stunned by Vivian’s form. “Vivian,” she said. “You have a lot of talent! How would you like to join my advanced class?”

“Oh,” Vivian’s mom cried. “We can’t afford it!”

“I won’t be charging Vivian a cent,” Dana said. “She is the most talented untutored skater I’ve ever seen. Tell me, Vivian, how did you get so good without a coach?”


“I watched the world championship finals and the Olympics over and over again,” Vivian said. “I practiced and practiced.”

“You are amazing!” Dana cried. “Of course, you need coaching, and I noticed a few mistakes you are making, but I think if you continue to work hard, you can start competing next year.”

Dana couldn't believe how talented Vivian was. | Source: Unsplash

Dana couldn’t believe how talented Vivian was. | Source: Unsplash


“Competing?” asked Vivian. “You mean it?”

Dana smiled at Vivian’s enthusiasm and said, “Yes, I do, but I have one rule — my skaters have to do as well in school as they do on the ice, OK?”

“Yes!” cried Vivian, overjoyed, but her mom looked very worried.

“I know you mean well,” Vivian’s mom told Dana. “But there’s more to competition than just the skates. There are entry fees, and transportation, and costumes…”

“Yes,” Dana said. “And believe me, there will be no problem. I have a reputation for having the best figure skating school in the State, and Vivian will boost my reputation.


“One day, your girl is going to be a champion!”

Vivian is the star of Dana's figure skating team. | Source: Pexels

Vivian is the star of Dana’s figure skating team. | Source: Pexels

As it turned out, Dana was right. The next year Vivian placed third in the state junior championship. The next year she won, and now she has her sights on Olympic Gold. Dana thinks she’ll get it.


What can we learn from this story?

  • One kind gesture can change a life. Dana’s kindness to Vivian helped her achieve her dream of becoming a champion figure skater. Dana was rewarded by Vivian’s success which added prestige to her school.
  • Never give up on your dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. Vivian worked very hard to achieve her impossible dream, and one day fate placed Dana in her way. Dana coached her and helped her become a champion.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a mom who sees a man cry as he watched his own daughter at play. His story would break her heart.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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